Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO

News from UNIMA: Commissions

Directory of research stakeholders

Research - 29/06/2017

Since 2012, the Research and Documentation Centre of the Institut International de la Marionnette has implemented some tools designed to encourage research on puppetry and object theatre whatever the discipline may be: performing arts, anthropology, archeology, history, literature, visual arts, new technologies, philosophy, psychoanalysis and therapies, economics, physics, chemistry, etc. One of these tools aims […]

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La Hoja del Titiritero

Three Americas - 23/03/2017

In the new edition of “La Hoja del Titiritero”, the Three Americas commission offers an information portal of this region of the world, following the tradition and honoring the meticulous work that was started in 2004.

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UNIMA Presentation movie project

Youth - 22/02/2017

Our art is very old and has a great history, but of all time it involves special people – young in their heart and their soul, full of enthusiasm – the puppeteers! That is why the UNIMA Youth Commission is preparing a video presentation and wants to invite the largest number of puppeteers from all over the world to its creation. For the creation of this video, we need your help.

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Grants holders 2017 of the Training Commission

Professional Training - 21/12/2016

This year, the Training Commission has been receiving a great number of applications; more than about forty ones meeting the selection criterias. After a difficult election due the good level of the applications, the members of the Training Commission decided to award, for 2017, 2 grants for students. The recipients 2017 are: Diana Tuneva (Russia) […]

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Festival Douma Tanja in Tangiers – Morocco

From 27 to 29 December 2016, the first edition of the puppet festival “Douma Tanja: des arts de marionnettes et de performances” is held in Tangiers, Morocco. This festival, which includes shows, exhibitions and moments of training, is strongly wished and directed by Professor Rachid Amahjour, president of the association ”Tanger, Porte de l’Afrique”. It’s […]

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