Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO


After a quarter of century of artistic activity, the “International Puppet Workshop of Matanzas” (Titim) returns.

Between the 21st and the 26th of April, and just in the middle of the tropical spring, the 14th edition of the Festival arrives with a new name: International Puppet Festi-Workshop of Matanzas (Festitim). As a blend of Festival and Workshop, party and laboratory, this is the most important biennial appointment of the so-called “Ciudad de los Puentes” (City of Bridges).

Festitim’s organizing committee is calling professional theatrical groups, national and foreign, with puppet theater proposals aimed for children, youth and adults. The 14th TITIM will take place from April 21st to April 26th, 2020, in theaters and squares of Matanzas, with the chance of additional presentations in theaters and alternative spaces of Havana, other municipalities and provincial sub-offices of the country.

Those interested should send the attached technical sheet duly completed. The Application’s receptions will close on Monday, November 30, 2019, at 12:00 midnight, local time and can be sent to Rubén Darío Salazar, either by post (Pelusín del Monte Cultural Center, Calle Ayuntamiento No. 8313, Matanzas 40100. Cuba) or by email (lasestaciones94@gmail.com).

The selected groups will be announced during December 2019. These are the requirements to take into account:

  1. International works must be Spanish spoken, or able to be understood besides the verbal text if the text is in a foreign language.
  2. The show’s running time must NOT be less than 30 minutes and not longer than 1 hour and thirty minutes.
  3. Both, national and international groups, will perform at least three (3) times in flexible spaces or two (2) times if the show is in a theater.
  4. The organizing committee is responsible for accommodation, meals and internal transfers of international artists who are Festitim 2020’s OFFICIAL GUESTS. This coverage will be from one day before and up to one day after their participation in the event.
  5. Foreign artists who wish to participate in professional workshops taught by national and international teachers will pay a cost of 80 CUC for their registration.
  6. All TITIM’s participants, national and foreign, will have free access to the shows and activities of the Festival programmed specifically for event’s participants.
  7. FESTITIM 2020 does not cover air tickets or pay any group’s cachet.