Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO


Last updated: 06-10-2024

Welcome to the Esteemed Honorees of the UNIMA Heritage Preservation Awards!

UNIMA’s Commission of Heritage, Museums, and Documentation Centers (HMDC) recognizes its unique responsibility as the only association dedicated solely to the art of puppetry. It is our duty to ensure the cataloging and preservation of all forms of puppets that constitute our cultural patrimony. To this end, we have established several objectives, including the celebration and acknowledgment of individuals who have dedicated their lives to protecting this ancestral art form.

We are pleased to introduce the UNIMA Certificates of Recognition for Preservation of Puppetry Heritage. These certificates aim to honor those who have devoted their time and efforts to the protection, dissemination, and research of puppet heritage. This includes seasoned practitioners who have spent their lives safeguarding this rich theatrical discipline and young individuals who are committed to ensuring its continuity for future generations.

As we unveil the list of awardees, we celebrate their passion, dedication, and invaluable contributions to preserving the art of puppetry. Their efforts inspire us all to continue cherishing and promoting this vibrant cultural legacy.



  1. Antonio Joaquim de Santana – Master Calú – Mamulengo – 2024/2025


  1.  Alain LECUCQ – Paper Theatre – 2024/2025


  1. Bhaskar Kogga Kamath – Karnataka string puppetry – 2024/2025
  2. Chithambara Rao – Tholubommalata shadow puppetry – 2024/2025
  3. Gunduraju – Karnataka shadow puppetry – 2024/2025
  4. Lakshmana Pulavar M – Tholpava koothu, shadow puppetry – 2024/2025
  5. Puran Bhatt – Kathputli string puppets – 2024/2025
  6. Sadananda Pulavar – Tholpavakoothu shadow puppets – 2024/2025


  1. Professor I Nyoman Sedana, Ph.D. – Balinese wayang kulit – 2024/2025
  2. I Made Sidia – Balinese wayang kulit – 2024/2025


  1. Giampaolo Bovone – Associazione Peppino Sarina – Amici del burattino, Tortona – 2024/2025
  2. Alfonso Cipolla – Istituto per i Beni Marionettistici e il Teatro Popolare, Grugliasco – 2024/2025
  3. Roberta Colombo, Andrea y Mauro Monticelli – Casa delle Marionette, Ravenna – 2024/2025
  4. Paolo Comentale – Casa di Pulcinella – 2024/2025
  5. Piero Corbella Piero and Franco Citterio – Compagnia Carlo Colla, Milano – 2024/2025
  6. Sergio Ravasio – Fondazione Ravasio – Museo del Burattino, Bergamo – 2024/2025
  7. Giuseppina Volpicelli – Centro Internazionale Podrecca-Signorelli, Cividale del Friuli – 2024/2025
  8. Vittorio Zanella – Teatrino dell’Es – Museo dei Burattini, Budrio – 2024/2025

Ivory Coast

  1. Were-were Linking – 2015/2016


  1. Tsujimoto Kazuhide – Hakomawashi puppetry tradition – 2024/2025
  2. Nakauchi Masako – Hakomawashi puppetry tradition – 2024/2025
  3. Minami Kimiyo – Hakomawashi puppetry tradition – 2024/2025
  4. Nishikawa Koryu V – Kuruma ningyō – 2024/2025


  1. Daejin Eum – Kkokdugaksi Noreum – 2024/2025
  2. Ki-moon Nam – Kkokdugaksi Noreum – 2024/2025
  3. Jeong-Im Park – Baltal [traditional Korean foot mask puppet play] – 2024/2025


  1. Yaya Coulibaly – Bambara tradition – 2015/2016


  1. Alejandro Jara Villaseñor – 2024/2025


  1. Elizabeth den Otter – 2024/2025
  2. Robin Erik Ruizendaal – 2024/2025


  1. Jose Russo – Bonecos de Santo Aleixo – 2024/2025

New Zealand

  1. James Webster – Karetao (Maori Puppets) – 2024/2025


  1. Betlem de Tirisiti – 2024/2025
  2. Pilar Álvarez, Xulio Balado, Comba Campoi, German Ermida, Anxo García and Xaime Iglesias – Morreu o Demo – Barriga Verde – 2024/2025
  3. Anna Valls Passola – MAE – 2024/2025
  4. Francisco J. Cornejo Vega – 2024/2025
  5. Pepe Bable – La Tía Norica – 2024/2025
  6. Toni Rumbau – 2024/2025


  1. Danaye KanlanfeÏ – Tcitcili tradition (Fetish sculptures) – 2015/2016


  1. Charles Aulii Mitchell – Hula ‘ōlapa (ancient hula) from Hawai‘i – 2024/2025