To evaluate the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis in the world puppetry arts sector, UNIMA International wishes to participate in the RésiliArt project initiated by UNESCO, to which it is a partner.
ResiliArt is a global movement that consists of a series of virtual round tables with artists and key professionals in the sector, whose objective is to raise awareness of the considerable impact of the containment measures and subsequent restrictions on the culture sector, as well as to support artists by engaging in a dialogue to inform UNESCO Member States in the development of policies and financial mechanisms that can help individuals and creative communities overcome this crisis.
To this end, UNIMA organized every week from june to august 2020 transnational roundtables in French, English, Spanish, Russian, Chinese.
From September to March, National Centres of UNIMA will propose twice a week national round tables. Some thematic round tables will also be proposed.
#01 Europe and Canada (🔈 French)
👥 Yngvild Aspeli, Frédéric Poty, Maude Gareau, Morana Dolenc, Didier Balsaux, Valdet Rama.
#02 America – Europe Area (🔈 English)
👥 Pam Arciero, Raymond Carr, Kata Csató, Dimitri Jageneau, Jim Morrow, Phylemon Odhiambo Okoth, Janni Younge. Kristin Haverty.
#03 Latin America and Europe (🔈 Spanish)
👥 Sebastian Blutrach, Liliana Mª Palacios, Raquel Ditchekenian, José Luis Melendo, Rubén Darío Salazar, Haydeé Boetto, Olatz Peon.
#04 Central Asia and Europe (🔈 Russian)
👥 Elena Ivanova, Kalina Wagenstein, Petar Todorov, Karim Dakroub, Karina Alieva-Golub, Marek Waszkiel, Ruben Babayan. Moderator: Alexey Goncharenko.
#05 Africa (🔈 French)
👥 Yaya Coulibaly, Habiba Jendoubi, Soro Badrissa, Patricia Gomis, Naomi Van Niekerk, Ngonde Sunda, Faustin Kaoua-Leturmy.
#06 Asia, Oceania Middle-East (🔈 English)
👥 Amira Soliman Mohammed, Nimit Pipithkul, Jo Hyunsan, Ranjana Pandey, Mohamed Sirag, Michael Barlow.
#07 China (🔈 Chinese)
👥 Hong Shijian, He Xiaoqiong, Tang Guoliang, Tan Qingsong, Tian Qingquan, Dai Ronghua, Chen Yingxian.
#08 Germany, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland (🔈 German)
👥 Margrit Gysin (Switzerland), Markus Dorner (Germany), Susanne Lebherz (Germany), Raphael Mürle (Germany), Cordula Nossek (Austria) and Heinrich Heimlich (Belgium).
#09 Hungary (🔈 Hungarian)
👥 Anikó Asbóth, Edina Ellinger, Rozi Kocsis, Géza Kovács, Gábor Pilári, Zsuzsa Lehőcz, Dániel Takács and Kata Csató.
#10 Japan (🔈 Japanese)
👥 Koryu Nishikawa, Masahiro Harada, Misa Obara, Atsushi Miyamoto, Tsubame Kusunoki, Akiko Yoshida. Moderation : Yasumasa Asano.
#11 Spain (🔈 Spanish)
👥 Guillermo Gil Villanueva, Chantal Franco Vidal, Toni Rumbau Serra, Iñaqui Juarez Montolío, Mariso Garcia. Moderation : Eva Serna Donaire.
#12 India (🔈 English and Hindi)
👥 Sudip Gupta, Anurupa Roy, Choiti Ghosh, Gunduraju, Gaurang Das, Moderation : Garima Arya.
#13 Mexico (🔈 Spanish)
👥 Alejandra Morales Trejo, Carlos Converso Prato, Laura Zubieta Rodríguez, Emmanuel Márquez Peralta, Sergio Aguilera Valera. Moderation: Sara Guzmán Corral.
#14 Belgium (🔈 French)
👥 Lira Campoamor, Laura Elands, Emilie Plazeolles, Sandrine Calmant, Pascal Guéran, Paul Contryn, Ronny Aelbrecht. Moderation: Dimitri Jagueneau.
#15 Venezuela (🔈 Spanish)
👥 Virginia Gallardo, Natchaieving Méndez, Elaine Méndez, Silder Briceño, Julio César Morillo, Alejandro Jara Villaseñor. Moderación: Víctor Maldonado.
#16 Canada (🔈 French and english)
👥 Tara Manuel, Dawn Trace Brandes, Olivier Ducas, Vicky Côté, Dra. Annie Katsura Rollins, Peter Balkwill, Chloe Ziner. Moderator: Sabrina Baran.
#17 Italy (🔈 Italian)
👥 Lucio Argano, Chiara Gribaudo, Francesca D’Ippolito, Piero Corbella, Fabrizio Montecchi, Massimiliano Venturi, Valter Broggini.
#18 Finland (🔈 Finnish)
👥 Marjut Tawast, Agneta Attling, Martin Kragballe A Rasmussen, Greta Clough, Aldona Ulstein, Moderator: Aapo Repo.
#19 South Korea (🔈 Korean-English)
👥 Lim, Jung-mi; Sun, wook-hyun; Jo, Hyun-san; Bang, Ji-young; Kim, Suk-hong; Kim, Hee-Jung; Moderator: Shin, Miran.
#20 Transnational ResiliArt UNIMA – UNESCO: The art of puppetry between tradition and future in times of the pandemic (🔈 English)
To close this cycle of ResiliArt UNIMA, the ONG organized with UNESCO a special transnational round table ResiliArt moderated by the President of the International Association of Theatre Critics and member of our Organization Margareta Sörenson. 👥 With:
- Nancy Staub, researcher, heritage expert, USA
- Fabrizio Montecchi, shadow theatre artist and expert, Teatro Gioco Vita, Italy
- Gilbert Agbevide, theatre artist and producer, Togo
- Dadi Pudumjee, puppet theatre director, Indian Puppeteer Trust, president of UNIMA, India
- Oksana Byrliba, artist, Compagny Eskizy v Prostranstve, Russia
#21 ResiliArt UNIMA, and after? (🔈 English-French)
👥 Salma Mosheni Ardehali, Mihail Baykov, Rémi Lambert, Fatima and Kaveh Ayreek, Narguess Majd, Jean-Christophe Canivet, Kata Csató.
Moderator: Dimitri Jageneau; General Coordinator: Clément Peretjatko.