Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO

BENEFITS of being a member of UNIMA

Last updated: 22-08-2023

As a World network of Puppetry art, UNIMA connects people all over the globe. Friendship and collaboration are part of the very identity of this great network!

If you wish to offer benefits to UNIMA members presenting their membership card, fill in this form to send your proposal. Be as precise as possible in your proposal.

    Contact information (appears on the site)

    If yes:

    If no:

    * Required information

    ** This information will not appear publicly


    • X% discount on museum entrance fee
    • 2 for 1 on museum entrance fee
    • X% discount on puppet festival registration
    • Free admission
    • Access to archival holdings

    See partners already participating

    To benefit from these advantages, you must be a member of UNIMA. Not yet a member? Contact the national centre of your country.