A movement that has been formed in the name of Women, Life, Freedom in Iran, has now become global and many artists have joined this movement. The movement is now beyond politics, and refers to women’s rights, the right to a normal life, and the right to freedom in all aspects of life, away from any kind of sexism.
Many illustrators, musicians, and other artists have created works in line with this movement, and we believe it is good for us puppeteers to join in. The puppet, as a symbol, as a metaphor, and as an object of heritage, culture, and play, possesses millions of untold words, now stuck in the throats of the silenced. It is time to let these voices speak.
UNIMA have organised a series of interviews available on Youtube where women artists may share their achievements and challenges. The first series of eight videos was released on March the 8th 2023 on International Women’s Day.
We invite all puppeteers of the world, regardless of nationality, gender, and religious beliefs, to display and represent their views on Women, Life, Freedom with their puppets, via photos or videos, on our page, unima.org/womenlifefreedom. Your contributions may be kept anonymous if you require, and we would consider all videos and image files if you could provide the name of the contributing artist(s) and the title of your video or photographic work. Please click here to submit your contributions and to review other details and conditions for this online gallery at unima.org.
- Contribution by S.M.
- “Freedom” | Contribution by Luk Puppentheater, Germany | Photography: Ilka Kessler
- “Red Rebel” | Contribution by Rachel Riggs, Australia | Photography: Rachel Riggs
- “Repeating just for NOT FORGETTING”
- “Ancestra I” | Contribution by Mabel A, Argentina | Photography: Mabel A
- “Bakhtiari Women” | Contribution by Sajad Torabi Farsani, Iran
- “Mother Earth” | Contribution by Bernd Ogrodnik, Iceland | Photography : EDDI
- “Habite-me” | Contribution by Carolina agarcia Marques, Brazil | Photography : Paulo Balardim
- “Shadow of the interior: traces expressed in images” | Contribution by Cia. Libélulas (Daniele Viola and Ju Marques), Brazil | Photography by: Daniele Viola
- Contribution by S.M.
- “WOMAN – LIFE – FREEDOM” | Contribution by N.M., France | Photography: N.M.
- “La Bicicleta” Contributed by Kembly Aguilar, Costa Rica
- “For the student, for the future” Contribution: Torfeh Ekhlasi, Iran
- “Calungasl” Contributed by Catarina Calungueira
- “Tyche in the ATL” Contribution: Kristin Haverty, USA
- “#Stop Executions in Iran” Contribution by Sayeh Sirvani | Photography: Saba Nikman, France/Iran
- “Liberdade” Contribution and Photograph by Conceição Rosiere, Brasil
- “Libro Magico” Contributed by Andrea Gaete Pessaj
- “Catalina y Andrea” Contributed by Andrea Gaete Pessaj