Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO

News from UNIMA: Publications Communication

An International Puppetry Magazines’ Review

Jenö Virág, editor in chief of Hungarian art and puppetry magazine “Art Limes” shares the first two volumes. “Dear Fellow Editors, Friends in Puppetry, I am happy to send you the first two volumes of our international puppetry magazines’ review. The magazines are presented in alphabetical order, the first volume comprehending titles from A to […]

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WEPA is soon to appear in English and Spanish

The WEPA project progresses. Karen Smith, president of the Publication and Communication Commission, announced during the recent UNIMA Council in Cuba that the English translation of the encyclopedia has been completed. To date, approximately 90% of the Spanish translation is done, and the full translation will be completed by September 2014. These two new language […]

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