Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO

News from UNIMA: Secretary General

From the General Secretary: The Rustling Horizon

Secretary General - 8/01/2024

The Rustling Horizon, « Wer hat uns also umgredeht, dass wir was wir auch tun, in jener Haltung sind von einem, welcher fortgeht ? wie er auf dem letztem Hügel, der ihm ganz sein Tal noch einmal zeigt, sich wendet, anhält weilt-, so leben wir und nehmen immer Abschied. » (Rainer Maria Rilke, Die achte Elegie, Elegien de […]

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UNIMA International: Digital Communications position

Notices, Secretary General - 28/11/2023

Update: Application window is now closed. Who we are: UNIMA is a UNESCO-affiliated NGO with over 7,000 members dedicated to the puppetry arts. They are enrolled via local chapters, i.e. National Centres (presently eighty-five), spread across the globe in all five continents. Its members elect an Executive Committee and a Board who volunteer to represent […]

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UNIMA, an international meeting point at the Charleville-Mézières puppet theatre festival

UNIMA was present at the 2023 World Festival of Puppet Theatres, where the association organised various events enabling members from all over the world to meet around common themes and a convivial drink. A great international meeting place which welcomed nearly 500 people over 4 days. The delegation from Chuncheon, led by UNIMA South Korea […]

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Whispering hands

Secretary General - 12/09/2023

« The time will come when nations on the hopscotch board of the universe will depend as closely on each other as the organs of one body, unified in its structure. Filled to bursting with machines, will the brain still be able to safeguard the existence of our thin rivulet of dream and escape ? […]

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Join UNIMA during the World Puppet Festival of Charleville-Mézières

UNIMA space – An International meeting point 19 > 22 September Find us on the map: Espace UNIMA > n°28 /// 75 Forest avenue > n°10   UNIMA organises Happy Apéros and meetings to join together and celebrate friendship among puppeteers as well as to exchange ideas and discuss the challenges facing our international organisation. […]

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