Kirkegata 11
+47 48207820
Brief history
UNIMA Norway cooperates with Oslo Teatersenter for the use of staff and office-facilities. The Board is working with political leaders in the service of puppetry. Norway is a rich country but many of the Centre’s members are quite poor. It still needs to fight for better working conditions for the artists.
Important projects and achievements
UNIMA Norway arranged its last biennale Fri Figur in May 2010. This event celebrates Norwegian Puppetry. The Centre’s publication Ånd i hanske which comes out 4 times a year, contains articles, interviews, discussions, book-reviews etc. It cooperates with the Nordic sections of UNIMA, and this has among other things resulted in the publication of a Scandinavian webpage.
The Centre promotes Norwegian Puppetry by awarding 2 prizes: Tyrihansprisen, for a person who has made a significant contribution to Norwegian Puppetry, and Birgit Strà¸ms Minnepris, for the best Norwegian performance at the festival Fri Figur. Karel Hlavatyfondet is a grant awarded to an artist every second year.