Date of creation: April 27th, 1973
Rua Doutor Leônidas do Amaral Ferreira, 100
Bairro Cristo Rei
Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil
CEP 80.050-410
Curitiba - Paraná -
Brief history
Within its history of about 40 years, the main actions of the ABTB (Associação Brasileira de Teatro de Bonecos ? Brazilian Association of Puppet theatres), has focused on the development and the promotion of the puppet language in Brazil. Thanks to the work of the Association and the other state associations, there is a huge mobilization of puppet theatre groups in the country.
The organization of a collective movement consolidates employment in the region and opens the way to several groups, at national and international level.
Important projects and achievements
- Publication of Mamulengo Magazine (14 issues to date)
- Festivals in the cities of Rio de Janeiro, Ouro Preto, Curitiba, Canela, Victoria, Recife, Sao Luiz, Petrópolis et Nova Friburgo Meetings of popular puppeteers
- Continuation of the application for inscription and recognition of the Brazilian North East popular puppet theatre as the cultural heritage of Brazil.
President: Andreisson Quintela
Vice-President: Beth Bado
Treasurer: Nelson Haas
Secretary: Conceição Rosiere
Fiscal Council: Denise de Santos/ Hermes Perdigão/ Cida Lopes