Publication on the theatre of animated forms linked to the performing arts programme of the State University of Santa Catarina (Udesc), Brazil.
Periodicity: biannual
Year of creation: 2005
V.1, n.26 (2022) – Laughter and the grotesque in the Puppetry
What are the powers, the political and contravening dimension and the symbolism of laughter and the grotesque in dialogue with the Puppetry (masks, puppets, shadows and other modalities) in a society? Iconic characters and works, their stories, characteristics, representation and how they affect different cultures and times. How is the laughable transformed in the face of claims and social struggles in the 21st century and what are the impacts on the production of shows and on the reception of the public? Authors may develop or unfold these subjects or propose other approaches to this theme.
Submissions until July 10, 2022.
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V. 2, no. 27 (2022) – Preservation and conservation of collections in the Puppetry
What needs to be conserved/preserved? How do preservation and conservation/restoration (processes and techniques) occur? How does this affect theater companies, artists, museums, collections and society? Which collections and museums are dedicated to the Puppetry? What are your challenges and your projects? How have artists and theater companies managed their collection? We invite the authors to reflect on these and other questions.
Submissions until October 31, 2022.
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Texts outside the scope of the Thematic Dossier
For sending texts that do not fit the aforementioned topics, it is possible to do so at any time. Texts that do not refer to one of the themes may be published in another section or in another issue of the journal.
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General information
Articles, reports, essays, reviews, interviews and translations can be presented.
The journal works with an anonymous peer review policy for submitted texts.
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Guidelines for submitting papers
To publish in Móin-Móin Magazine, the interested party must first register as an author and then submit the article on the OJS platform at the link of MÓIN-MÓIN – REVISTA DE ESTUDOS SOBRE TEATRO DE FORMAS ANIMADAS:
Submissions must conform to the journal’s standards and must be posted directly to the submission system to follow the process general evaluation of the journal.
We remind you that the journal does not charge submission or publication and uses a double-blind peer review system. The text can be sent in Portuguese, Spanish, English or French and, in the case of texts in French and English, they will be published in their original language with translation into Portuguese.
More information can be found on our website,
Articles must be sent according to the guidelines for authors, at the link: