Títeres en la Montaña (Puppets on the Mountain) is a festival conceived by the Grupo Trapusteros Teatro, which has its headquarters – La Borda del Títere – in Aguinaliu, a small town located in the mountains of the Aragonese pre-Pyrenees, municipality of Graus, region of Ribagorza. Trapusteros is formed by the Spaniard, Marcos Pena, and the Brazilian, Izabela Brochado.
La Borda del Títere, as its name suggests, is located in an old country house located in the upper part of the town next to the ruins of the Castle. The hut, which was practically in ruins and uninhabited for more than 40 years, was recently rehabilitated by the Grupo Trapusteros Teatro. The cellar, where wine was previously produced and stored, has been converted into a pocket theater for 30 spectators, or a small room for displaying the group’s puppet collection.

The orchard, where there used to be a vegetable garden, has been transformed into an open-air theater for 70 spectators, with a beautiful view of the mountains and the lower part of the town of Aguinaliu.
This first edition is carried out without institutional funding, but has the support of several collaborators, each one helping us to build our dream of giving life to the small and almost abandoned villages of the Pyrenees, through the art of puppets, music and the meeting of people. We are very happy to open our festival with two of the most prestigious puppet theater companies in Aragon and Spain: Los Titiriteros de Binéfar and Teatro Arbolé, from Zaragoza.

We are sure that coming to the Puppets on the Mountain festival will not only be an aesthetic and fun experience, but also a walk between nature and history. Visit our website: www.labordadeltitere.org
Marcos Pena and Izabela Brochado are members of ACTB – UNIMA Brazil and Aragón – UNIMA Federación España. Brochado is also part of the UNIMA Heritage, Museums and Documentation Centers Commission.

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¡Qué hermoso teatro de marionetas has creado!
Vendré a Barcelona en diciembre y me gustaría mucho visitarte si es posible. Yo también hago marionetas y hago actuaciones.
What a gorgeous little puppet theatre you have created!
I am coming to Barcelona in December and would really like to visit you if that is possible . I too make puppets and do performances.
Sarah (Green)