Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO


Call for performance proposals: Thingamagic International Object Theatre Festival of India

India, Notices - 23/06/2021

Continuing our commitment to object theatre and the felt need for the theatre arts today, Tram Arts Trust, Mumbai-New Delhi based object theatre company, join CSMVS Mumbai, one of India’s premier history & art museums, to present quality object theatre performances for children, young people and their families through Thingamagic International Object Theatre Festival of […]

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Uniting People through Puppetry :

Notices, Secretary General - 13/05/2021

UNIMA’s 23rd Congress confirms new leadership and sets vision for the future «The more meetings there are, the more exchanges that take place between nations, the better individual relations are: collaboration, solidarity and comradeship are no longer empty words, but the foundations for a better understanding of human problems and a bringing together of nations».  […]

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The International Puppetry Institute is recruiting its training director

France, Notices - 7/05/2021

Recruitment for its National School of Puppetry Arts (ESNAM) Full-time month permanent contract. Starting as soon as possible from June 1, 2021.Application letter accompanied by a CV to be sent before May 15, 2021. The International Puppetry Institute (IIM) located in Charleville-Mézières (08), develops initial training activities through the National School of Puppetry Arts (ESNAM), […]

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New master degree in puppet theater in Switzerland

Notices - 28/08/2020

The Accademia Teatro Dimitri, a university specialized in physical theater, will inaugurate a new two-year master’s degree in the next academic year, focused on the field of theater of materials, objects and puppets. During the two years of study, students will be guided through a complex and highly practical learning process about the principles and […]

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