Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO


Open session for all

Thursday, April 7, 2022
16 h – 17 h 30 (CET)

Zoom link : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2296739568

During the last two years of the pandemic, international puppet festivals directors had to develop new ways to reach their public and promote the work of the artists.

Four panelists from three continents will talk about their experiences and open the discussion with all other participants about discoveries to be kept, or forgotten, for the future of festivals.


• GERMANY: Annette DABS, Director of FIDENA
– The FRITZ Awards

• MEXICO: Miguel GUTIERREZ, Artistic director of Luna Morena and
• ARGENTINA: Omar ALVAREZ, Director of Mundo Titere International Puppet Festival
– Latin-American Digital experiences: “El Festín de los muñecos” (México) and “Mundo Títere” (Argentina) 

• INDONESIA: Maria Tri SULISTYANI (RIA), Director of Papermoon Puppet Theatre
– The virtual Festival of Pesta Boneka 

Moderators: Louise LAPOINTE (Festival de Casteliers)
Blair THOMAS (Chicago International Puppet Theatre Festival) 

Zoom Tech administrator : Tom LEE (Chicago International Puppet Theatre Festival)

The meeting will be closed captioned in English, and offer simultaneous written translation
in French: https://recapd.com/w-FX3kM7/fr
and Spanish. https://recapd.com/w-FX3kM7/es

The closed captioning is provided by the International Festivals Commission and NCICAP.