Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO

News from UNIMA: WPD 2022

Video of the World Puppetry Day 2022

As it has been done in recent years, UNIMA International has created a common and participatory video to celebrate World Puppet Day on March 21st. We called upon all to propose video sequences of 15′ to 30′ seconds of training courses, creations, shows, workshops, constructions, drawings, scenographies, animations. From the imaginary of the great white […]

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Toast to World Puppetry Day at 6 p.m. (UTC+2)

WPD 2022 - 21/03/2022

NANATU Network of Finnish professionals on puppetry toasts World Puppetry Day on its online meeting on 21st March at 6 p.m. (UTC+2). The nationwide network for puppet theatre professionals, qualified in practice, was founded in 2019 starting with Gary Freedman’s workshop in Kuopio, Finland. For its members, using puppet and object expression in their work, […]

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WPD 2022 - 18/03/2022

Let’s meet up on Monday 21 March at 6 p.m. Etnodramma, via Beato Pellegrino 37 – Padua Public presentation at the occasion of the release of ANIMATAZINE’s issue ONE, dedicated to water. ANIMATAZINE, the first Italian fanzine dedicated to animation theatre, paper and digital, totally independent, trilingual (Italian, French, English). More than 60 artists, researchers […]

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Documentary and debate

WPD 2022 - 17/03/2022

Often, in the mind of the general public, the puppet is still confined to the world of childhood with references limited to the guignol lyonnais or even the guignols de l’info … However, puppet shows are considered, today, as the most creative of live performances.With the help of excerpts from shows presented at the 2013 […]

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