Date of creation: 1980 Gianicolense, 10
+39 340 902 2820
Number of members: 251 (Updated July 2024)
Brief History
Italy has been part of UNIMA International since 1957. Since the foundation of the National Center at the Teatro Argentina in Rome in 1980, UNIMA Italy has progressively expanded its participation in Italian puppet theater, not only in terms of membership numbers but also in its role in promoting and disseminating puppetry, including educational and therapeutic actions. Today, the UNIMA Italy National Center is experiencing a new phase of growth, with over 250 members, including companies and individual artists located in almost all regions of Italy.
Important Projects and Achievements
In addition to community engagement meetings, UNIMA Italy aims to actively involve its members with various types of initiatives. Currently, four working groups have been established, coordinated by National Councilors and open to all members.
These working groups focus on the reflection and organization of initiatives on themes such as artistic creation, the social implications of puppetry and animated objects (Project SYMPOSIUM), heritage, and sustainability.
Since 2020, all UNIMA Italy meetings have also been held remotely to allow for broader participation. Each year, a series of meetings is organized to allow members to share their experiences and visions. Meetings with external guests are organized on topics related to the common good, current regulations for the performing arts sector, and the promotion and knowledge of the association’s historical heritage.
Among the association’s various projects is the SEMENZAIO initiative, which supports the production of emerging young companies.
Every year in March, UNIMA Italy organizes several days of events to celebrate WORLD PUPPETRY DAY and, in autumn, AUTUMN DAYS: each year, two different cities host performances, exhibitions, and meetings dedicated to puppetry, as well as the association’s two annual assemblies.
In terms of international relations, UNIMA Italy is present in many UNIMA commissions, is working on establishing a consortium with THEMAA/UNIMA France and UNIMA Federación España, and has established a twinning with UNIMA Burundi.
Generally, UNIMA Italy tries to maintain an active relationship with its members through its presence in activities and territories. The UNIMA Italy Board of Directors is often invited by associated companies and artists to events and exhibitions. Finally, UNIMA Italy has promoted, over time, publications and research on puppetry, which have become part of the association’s rich archives.
BOARD AND COUNCIL (2024 – 2028)
President: Alfonso Cipolla
National Secretary: Fabrizio Montecchi (also International Councilor)
Treasurer: Roberta Tossutto
National Councilors: Michela Ajello (also International Councilor), Alessandra Amicarelli (also International Councilor), Walter Broggini, Francesca Cecconi (also International Councilor), Silvia Cristofori, Nadia Milani, Lorenzo Palmeri, Riccardo Trovato
Member: Paola Bassani