We arrived at the World Puppet Day 2020 in an anomalous situation in many parts of the world, as a result of the spread of the COVID19 and the measures that have being taken to try to control it.
While in some countries all recreational and cultural activities are being suspended, in some others they will live it more normally. From UNIMA International we recommend following the indications of each national center to find out if the events scheduled for each country continue or not.
However, we do not want to miss the opportunity to convey a message of peace to everyone, when we need it most.
For this reason, on March 21, World Puppet Day, we will publish the poster of Osvaldo Gabrieli and the message that three American artists have jointly produced: Manuel Morán, Zoa Meza and Rubén Darío Salazar, as well as the video for peace.
Help us to spread them!
Let’s celebrate the World Puppetry Day also on social networks! |
#UNIMA #WorldPuppetryDay #DíaMundialdelaMarioneta #JournéeMondialedelaMarionnette |
This year, we can’t get out to celebrate it in the streets, but we can still do it together and we chose Facebook for that. We invite you to connect to Facebook the 21st of March at 12:00 (noon) in your country, and to post a video with the following message in your own language:
We welcome you to the magical world of DOLLS THEATER, a Puppet Theatre group in Kolkata, India.
Parabéns a todos que ,ama o teatro de marinetes .
Bonne Journée Mondiale de la Marionnette
Tous ensemble pour la PAIX
Ensemble contre le Coronavirus
En cette journée, je vous propose le portrait du marionnettiste Jiri Trnka, n’oublions pas son film La main. Une marionnette confinée en lutte, elle, contre le régime politique.
Jiri Trnka, l’ami retrouvé
mot de passe : TrnkaVF