UNIMA is preparing an international publication for 2025. Based on numerous puppet magazines with a national and sometimes international audience, this magazine (initially planned to be online) aims to showcase both the diversity of existing content on this art form and the magazines that publish it.
The international editorial committee is not working on a simple compilation of published articles but on an editorial project, trying to create a dialogue between the articles and the thoughts. Starting from a certain number of major axes to give itself a line and facilitate the work of the editors, the UNIMA launched at the end of March a call towards all the puppet magazines referenced and still publishing today.
In a second phase, this edition will also be open to countries where there are no puppet magazines, with a 2nd call to come between summer and autumn.
The Editorial Committee is made up of: Alessandra Amicarelli (Italy – Animatazine), Cariad Astles (United Kingdom – UNIMA Research Commission), Paulo Balardim (Brazil – Moin-Moin), Mihail Baykov (Bulgaria – Kuklart), Emmanuelle Castang (France – UNIMA & ex-Manip), Mathieu Dochterman (France – Manip & Puppetgazette), Frans Hakkemars (Netherlands – PPO/The world of puppetry sub-committee), Maryam Iranmanesh (Iran – University of Tehran), Katarina Klancnick Kokutar (Slovenia – Chair of the Publication Committee), Ko Kyumi (Korea – UNIMA Corée/Théâtre Sangsahwa), Evelyne Lecucq (France – Institut international d’art de la marionnette), Susy López (Mexico – Susy López titeres), Alissa Mello (USA – Puppetry international), Vincent Ranallo (Canada – Revue Marionnette), Padmini Rangajan (India – Steparc/Puthalika Patrika), Karen Smith (Australia/USA – President of UNIMA), Franziska Vömel (Germany – Schattentheater)
The group is open to other editors who would like to join.
Find the call for magazines here: https://www.unima.org/en/call-for-magazines/
Editorial Committee contact: internationaledition@unima.org