Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO

All news from UNIMA

New issue of Sutradhar review

India - 13/03/2014

UNIMA is pleased to invite you to discover the new issue of the Indian National Centre review, Sutradhar. In summary: Tradition and Transformation: Leather Puppetry in Karnataka. An Interview with Margareta Niculescu. Charleville-Mézières – The Mecca For Puppeteers. The Window – Looking In, Looking Out. Different Approaches to Iranian Puppetry. > Read the review

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Call for Papers for the Conference in Poland

Notices - 12/03/2014

  The Institute of Art History, University of Warsaw and the Aleksander Zelwerowicz State Theatre Academy in Warsaw (Department of Puppetry Art in Bialystok) search reseachers to join a conference organized during the 7th International Festival of Puppetry Schools, held in Bialystok.   Organized from 23 to 26 June 2014 in Bialystok, the theme of the conférence is “Dolls and Puppets as Artistic […]

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Release from the Europe Commission

Europe - 12/03/2014

  The UNIMA European Commission chaired by Nina Monova is pleased to report to all National Centres and members (mostly) residents in Europe, it has developed new policies to highlight what is happening in Europe. The Commission would like to establish a close collaboration with the National Centres. Now, the Commission invites the National Centres […]

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UNESCO World Teachers’ Day

Secretary General - 11/03/2014

  UNIMA joins the Message from the Heads of UNESCO, ILO, UNICEF, UNDP and Education International on the occasion of World Teachers’ Day.   Joint Message on the occasion of the World Teachers’ Day A Call for Teachers! 5 October 2013   Teachers hold the keys to a better future for all. They inspire, challenge […]

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Residency in Montreal – Spring 2014

Notices - 11/03/2014

  The residence aims to encourage the creation of a new work in puppet theatre for children from 0 to 6 years.   This project will promote exchanges amongst the creator and the Quebec artists, offering him a time and a space for reflection to complete his project of show, be at the beginning, middle […]

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Call for the Festival LUTKE 2014

Notices - 11/03/2014

Ljubljana Puppet Theatre – Slovenia, announces Open call for its 12th International Puppet Theatre Festival LUTKE 2014. You can find Open call and Application form on our web page. This Open call has been sent to puppet theatres in several country.

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