We, at UNIMA, are repulsed by the violent actions that took place this week in Paris, following a trend that has become increasingly dangerous in the last years and months, victimizing innocent people among the civilian population in many areas of the world.
UNIMA rejects all forms of violence and terrorism. We believe – and are engaged – in safeguarding and promoting the noblest values that guide mankind, regarless of origin, political or religious convictions and differences in culture: those are the basic rights of every person as defined in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Our hearts and minds go out to all those who have lost their near ones in this senseless escalation of confrontations, and sincerely hope that one day, hopefully soon, there will be a better understanding, more dialogue and respect among all peoples of this Earth, that we all share together and for which we are all responsible.
President UNIMA
Dadi D. Pudumjee
Cookie Monster!! You can get episodes from 1969 until about 1978(??) so far on DVD, but they aullacty come with a warning about how they are not for modern kids that being said, it does make me nervous to see kids playing with old, uncovered matress springs on tv
Thank you SO much I burst out laughing and woke up my hubsand!!! I had to share this with him,seeing as how he was up now anyways, he cracked up!! I agree with you on cookie monster should stick to his role of cookie beast. Leave the veggies to Capt. Vegetable (John Leguizamo)!!!