Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO

WPD 2022 News



Organisateur: Centre de la Marionnette de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles et la Maison de la Marionnette de Tournai.

TAMAT (Museum of Tapestry and Textile Arts)

Charlotte Wacker

The short form Pandora will be performed during the World Puppet Day. It will be performed at the TAMAT (Museum of Tapestry and Textile Arts) in Tournai as part of the puppet walk organized by the Centre de la Marionnette of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and the Maison de la Marionnette of Tournai.

In the framework of this walk on Sunday March 20th, two departures are planned from the Centre de la Marionnette de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, the first one at 3pm and the second one at 4pm. Pandora plays at 3:45 pm and 4:45 pm.

For more information : https://adlibdiffusion.be/fr/projects/56/pandora

Weekend of the Puppet

Organisateur: MikMak Festival

Espace Marionnette at Tubize : 14 rue de l'École (1480)


Within the framework of the World Puppet Day, the Espace Marionnettes welcomes the MikMak Festival organized by the Cultural Center of Walloon Brabant in partnership with the Cultural Center of Tubize. Three shows to discover the weekend of March 19 and 20.

Saturday 19 March :
10:30 am : General Assembly of the French-speaking Section of Belgium of UNIMA
16h ” madame Part ” by the Dwish Theatre

Sunday March 20:
14h and 16h30 ” Viens on se tire ” by the Cie Corneilles bleues
3pm : ” Man of paper ” by the Cie Zanni
Museum and exhibition open

All information here


The Centre in collaboration with the International Festival of Educational Puppet Theatre

Organisateur: Le Centre

Le Centre
Cotonou / Bohicon

The center and the schools : 00229 66933310

In order to make our children discover the art of the puppet, the artist actor – puppeteer and director, Fadel Amah will be at the cultural space The Center for an afternoon of sharing. Passionate about the arts of orality, Fadel Amah is the coordinator of the artistic and cultural association “Irikpe Sabouyo”. In 2021 he creates the International Festival of Educational Puppet Theatre (FITEM).


Unveiling of the AVIAMA "Initiative" award trophy

Organisateur: City of Saguenay

Cultural center Mont-Jacob

Olivier Bergeron Martel

The City of Saguenay has been a member of the International Association of Puppet Friendly Cities (AVIAMA) since 2016. On the occasion of World Puppet Day, it will hold a press conference at 9:00 a.m. at the Centre culturel du Mont-Jacob.

This will be the occasion to unveil a trophy designed by Mylène Leboeuf-Gagné in connection with the “Initiative” award that will be given by AVIAMA starting this year. AVIAMA had mandated the City of Saguenay to design this trophy, and the artist Mylène Leboeuf-Gagné had been selected following a call for proposals.

This press conference also marks the official launch of the permanent exhibition “Saguenay, puppet friendly city”. This thematic exhibition is deployed in 8 public places of the municipality. It tells the story of the puppet arts on our territory and highlights the creators and organizations that contribute to the dynamism of this discipline in Saguenay


Toast to World Puppetry Day at 6 p.m. (UTC+2)

Organisateur: NANATU Network



NANATU Network of Finnish professionals on puppetry toasts World Puppetry Day on its online meeting on 21st March at 6 p.m. (UTC+2).

The nationwide network for puppet theatre professionals, qualified in practice, was founded in 2019 starting with Gary Freedman’s workshop in Kuopio, Finland. For its members, using puppet and object expression in their work, NANATU is a meeting point for peer support. To strengthen social cohesion, the network arranges regular online meetings, maintains databank of skills and materials, and organises internal workshops.

Since 2000, professionalism in the field of puppetry has been possible to gain through vocational qualification, accomplished in real production environments. It is possible to accomplish vocational examination in either puppetry education or puppet building. To complete this competence-based qualification, candidates must demonstrate certain skills and competence required in the profession. These skills are outlined in the Requirements of Competence-based Qualifications defined by the Finnish National Board of Education.

The Darkness on Grief

Organisateur: Seppo-Ilmari Siitonen & Terhi Tuomikko

Vuotalo & Annantalo

Terhi Tuomikko

Saturday 19.3. at 12am and 2pm Vuotalo, Helsinki, Finland
Sunday 20.3. at 12am and 2pm Annantalo, Helsinki, Finland

Teatteri Tuomikko : The Darkness of Grief

Script, puppets, scenography and performance : Terhi Tuomikko
Directing assistance : Seppo-Ilmari Siitonen
Music : Marko Häkkinen

Duration: 30 min
Target group : from 3 to 10 years

When a troll loses his bunny friend, he grieves so deeply that even his sweater turns black. The battle of overcoming sorrow starts, emotions run high, the troll has no appetite and laughing makes him feel guilty. As the seasons change, sorrow slowly starts to fade and black pieces come off the troll’s sweater, until there is only one last wistful memory left that will never disappear.

Award-winning puppet theatre show “Suru puserossa” (Darkness of grief) is a beautiful, through-composed story that gives you hope for surviving sorrow. It makes the diverse nature of grief more understandable to children and deals with the difficult subject safely and gently, as if embracing the viewer.

Iloiset aapiskuvat

Organisateur: Cultural Centre Valve

Akseli Klonk theater

Akseli Klonk theater

Iloiset aapiskuvat (Happy Pictures of the Alphabet) is a mixture of acrobatics, dance, physical theater, charming music and award-winning pictures of Aleksander Lindeberg from the book Iloiset aapiskuvat. During the performance, the audience gets to know the magic of letters and writing through dance, movement and music. Based on the book by Aleksander Lindeberg.

Directed and written: Janne Kuustie
In the role: Anna-Leena Järvi
Music: Mikko Karjalainen

For ages 4-104
Duration 30 minutes
Tickets 8 euros

Event time: 19.3.2022 at 12:30 and 14:00.


Documentary and debate

Organisateur: Cultural center of Nouzonville

Cultural center of Nouzonville

Cultural center : 03 24 37 37 49

Often, in the mind of the general public, the puppet is still confined to the world of childhood with references limited to the guignol lyonnais or even the guignols de l’info … However, puppet shows are considered, today, as the most creative of live performances.
With the help of excerpts from shows presented at the 2013 Charleville-Mézières World Festival of Puppet Theaters, the audience will be able to appreciate the amazing diversity, modernity, and creativity of today’s puppet world.
This documentary will be followed by a discussion with the audience.

See you on Monday, March 21 at 9:15am – 11am and 7pm – 8:30pm.

Open House at the MeTT - Marionnettes en Transmission le Teil

Organisateur: Le MeTT

Le Teil

04 75 01 17 61

The MeTT – Marionnettes en Transmission le Teil – and its associated artist the Cie Emilie Valantin invite you to discover the space and the creation workshops of the MeTT, as well as the permanent exhibition of the Cie E Valantin, “Le mur de marionnettes”, and to attend a public rehearsal of the show “Pas d’ours” intended for the young children
Let’s meet up on Monday 21st of March from 2pm to 5pm

The World Puppetry Day, 15-25 march 2022 in the Ardennes and at Reims

Organisateur: The city of Charleville-Mézières, the Department of the Ardennes, UNIMA

Ardennes, Reims

“Dear friends, curious, passionate about puppetry,

We want the World Puppetry Day 2022 to be close and local. We want it to be radiant and overflowing with energy through events, workshops, meetings, visits and discoveries of places, school or public performances and games. We want to offer you the surprise and register this year’s March 21 festival, from the weekend of March 19 and 20, for nearly a week of events. Nearly twenty partners and cultural actors of the Ardennes and the Grand Est region have responded to offer you this program of festivities. We would like to thank them, as well as the city of Charleville-Mézières and its mayor, Mr. Boris Ravignon, the department of the Ardennes, as well as the Grand Est region, and of course the Ministry of Culture.

A moment of celebration is coming to us. Since 2003, the UNIMA works to register on an international scale a World Puppet Day and to spread as much as possible this joy of creating and sharing the imaginary of the material and the form in a story. This year, you will discover the poetic call of Mrs Ranjana Pandei, Indian puppeteer, all-rounder and humanist, who against all odds, works for the arts of
puppetry and puppeteers in India. You will discover by going to the different places the world video of this year on the theme: Aquatic life and marine worlds. The poster has been entrusted to the South African artist and visual artist Adrian Kohler, known worldwide for his creations and his puppets made within his company Handspring Puppet. We will recognize the giant puppet Amal walking and moving towards the horizon.

Let’s invent the theatricality of the puppet, everywhere and as much as possible, in all its
forms, in all cultures and in all languages! Let’s build bridges to there and elsewhere. The 21st of march is the world day of desire and encounter “for” and “by” the puppet. This day is yours, wherever there is a cultural actor, wherever there is a puppeteer, wherever there is a look, a hand and a material that takes life. Everywhere there is a child, and an object, and especially the game to create.
Beautiful World Puppet Day.”

Dimitri Jageneau
General Secretary of the UNIMA.

The FULL PROGRAMME is available here.

Week of the puppet

Organisateur: L'hiver nu and Scènes Croisées companies from Lozère

Valley of Valdonnez (Lozere)

04 66 45 56 47

For the second consecutive year, L’hiver nu and Scènes Croisées co-organize in March the Week of the puppet, on this occasion of the World Puppetry Day, which takes place on March 21.
After the company Zusvex in 2021, the invitation is made this year to the company Bakélite (Rennes), which will present 3 shows from March 21 to 26 in the Valdonnez.
The Semaine de la Marionnette is an opportunity to share the immense richness of this art with the spectators, as well as to propose shows in non-dedicated places: at the inhabitant’s home, in a school, in a rural home, with a finale on Saturday at the Fabrique du Viala.

Flying women

Organisateur: Compagnie Samildanach

Function room/ village hall
Le-Poët Laval (Drôme)

Déborah Maurice

A collective workshop in the village of Poët-Laval in the Drôme. Spend as much time as you like helping to paint these women who will fly on Sunday March 20, 2022 in parades and carnivals to come.

Nocturne at the Museum of Puppetry

Organisateur: Museum of Puppetry

the Museum of Puppetry
Saint-Affrique (12 400)

Marine Porque

Two evening visits will be proposed (8pm and 9pm) to discover the new exhibition of the Museum: “Le Monde de Guignols”.

This one tells the story of Guignol (its origins, its role, the place of the children…) as well as the story of other “Guignols”, that the events of the XIXth century made appear, in Europe.

Green Ginger presents MICRO-VOX

Organisateur: Green Ginger

At Green Ginger's place - 8 Rue Montorgueil, Wiseppe (55700)

Laurence De Jonge

Meet us on Sunday March 20, 2022 at 3pm for the screening of a documentary film made with asylum seekers and animated by puppets.

Find here all the contents about the Green Ginger.

Of the shadow and the light

Organisateur: OPS association/Ecole Philipp/Ecole Corneille Lyon

Schools Lyon 3 and 6


Workshops around shadow puppets, light play, the making and realization of theaters. The world of the sea and the oceans is the main theme.
We make double effect by continuing on creations and installations at the time of the Great Washing on 03 24 on the topic “Ombre portée”.
Children from kindergarten and primary school.


Organisateur: ODRADEK AND FAMO (Federation of Puppetry Arts in Occitania)

Media library of Quint-Fonsegrives

Giorgio Pupella

The exhibition presents a “family photo”: twenty or so “boxes”, of identical dimensions, created by the artists and containing puppets, objects, images, all evocative of their artistic universe. The Famo has entrusted the conception and realization of the exhibition to the scenographer Claire Saint Blancat.


Organisateur: Puppet Theatre of the Witch with green teeth

Center of the village - 91, génial Rampont street

James Van der Straeten

The 20th of march 2022, our ” THEATR’AVANE ” will welcome about ten spectators in its small room for a 10 minutes show, 3 times per hour.
An impromptu show telling the fabulous story of the life of the witch with green teeth.



Organisateur: Mazehual Bookshop and Animatazine

Mazehual Bookshop

Mazehual Bookshop and Animatazine
mazehualbooks@gmail.com / animatazine@gmail.com

Let’s meet up on Monday 21 March at 6 p.m.

Etnodramma, via Beato Pellegrino 37 – Padua

Public presentation at the occasion of the release of ANIMATAZINE’s issue ONE, dedicated to water.

ANIMATAZINE, the first Italian fanzine dedicated to animation theatre, paper and digital, totally independent, trilingual (Italian, French, English).

More than 60 artists, researchers and puppeteers throughout the world have participated in the writing of this first issue.

With Alessandra Amicarelli and Valeria Sacco.

The meeting is coordinated by Cristina Grazioli.


Week-end dedicated to the "GIORNATA MONDIALE DELLA MARIONETTA 2022" by UNIMA Italia

Organisateur: UNIMA Italia

Ex Convento di San Francesco Via della Motta 13


Friday, 18th of march

  • From 1:30 pm.
    Arrival and accreditation of guests.
  • 14h00
    EUROPE N/A – For a transnational cooperation. Part 1.
  • 16.00 (also on zoom)
    40 years of UNIMA Italy
  • 16.30 (also in the zoom)
    What future for our sector?
  • 18.00 (also in the zoom)
    Dramaturgies for the theater of the figure
  • 18.00
    EUROPE N/A – For a transnational cooperation. Part 2.
  • 7.45 pm online
    Radio Resistance
  • 20:30 Teatro Comunale Carlo Gozzi, Via Roma 113, Pasiano di Pordenone.
    Organized by Ortoteatro in the framework of the biennial exhibition
    A Commedia dell’Arte Veneta puppet show for a mixed audience of young people and adults.

Saturday, 19th of march

  • 9:00 am (also on zoom)
    ITALIA N/E – Telling the story of the territories
  • 11 h 15
    Great parade of puppets
  • 2:30 p.m. (also in the zoom)
    EUROPE N/A – For a transnational cooperation. Third part (also on the zoom)
  • 16.00 (also on zoom)
    Organized by Ortoteatro in the framework of the biennial exhibition
    “1929/2019 – 90 years UNIMA” Introduction to the exhibition
  • 17 h 30.
    “1929/2019 – 90 years UNIMA” / Opening of the exhibition
  • 18.00 (online)
    “1929/2019 – 90 years UNIMA” / Online guided tour of the exhibition
  • 19 h 15.
    “1929/2019 – 90 years UNIMA” / Aperitif-dinner
  • 7:15 p.m. online
    Radio Resistance
  • 20:30 Auditorium Concordia, Via Interna 2, Pordenone.
    Organized by Ortoteatro in the framework of the biennial exhibition
    Two acts for the puppet theater of Emilia Romagna.

Sunday 20th of march

  • General Assembly of UNIMA Italia (also on zoom)
    9:00 am – First convocation
    9:30 am – Second convocation
  • 2:30 p.m. (also in the zoom)
    Tribute to Romano Danielli
  • 5 p.m. Auditorium Concordia, Via Interna 2, Pordenone.
    Organized by Ortoteatro in the framework of the biennial exhibition
  • 18h45 online
    Radio Resistance


1st International Congress of Puppetry and Mediation by UNIMA Peru

Organisateur: UNIMA Perú

Virtual meeting

Luis Ipanaqué

A space for meeting, reflection, exchange and dissemination for puppeteers, mediators and all puppet lovers.

In the framework of the international celebrations for the World Puppetry Day 2022, the Peruvian Center of the International Union of Puppetry, is pleased to announce its 1st. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PUPPETRY AND MEDIATION UNIMA PERU, to be held virtually between March 17 and 20, in which we will present experiences in various fields of human endeavor in which the puppets have a leading role, either as an artistic discipline, object of study or application tool, thus showing the breadth, diversity, versatility and potential of this ancient art that at the same time is fully in force.

Renowned specialists from countries such as Peru, Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, Mexico, Uruguay, Spain, France, Singapore and Iceland, among others, will participate, a group of professional artists who will share their broad experience, vision and approach through presentations grouped into nine thematic tables that include Puppets for Life and Health, Puppets and Creativity in Educational Spaces and innovative tables such as Puppets and Gender diverse views, Puppets in Digital Format and Puppets and Neuroscience, among others.

As additional activities, the National Message for the International Puppetry Day will be read, this year written by the renowned playwright César de María and the “Ño Valdiviezo Award” will be presented to the teacher Lucinda Marroquín from Lima and to Mr. Rafael Taica from Cajamarca, the family that created the Puppet Museum of that region, for their puppetry trajectory.

It will be broadcast in virtual format through UNIMA PERU’s social networks, and participation will be FREE with prior registration at the following link:

And for further details and updates, please visit UNIMA PERU’s Facebook page



Puppet show, Workshops, Leaflet

Organisateur: Zygmunt Smandzik

Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography in Lodz, Department of Puppet Shows

Polska środkowa - 4842 632 84 40

Exhibition of puppets by Zygmunt Smandzik from the play “The Adventures of the Highwayman Rumcajs” from 1975 (TL “Pinokio”, Lodz).

These are puppets dressed in colorful costumes of folk and bourgeois provenance, while the puppets of Prince Pan and Princess Lady indicate Baroque origins. The artist has designed over 360 sets for puppet theater in Poland and abroad. He proposed a visual theater rich in Polish and European culture inspirations. His theater was influenced by images. In terms of material he willingly used colorful and chic fabrics, folk costumes, historical costumes, costumes of social groups.

The workshops will be conducted in the cycle “Academy of Young Puppeteers”. Workshop participants will make a theatrical puppet. A leaflet accompanying the exhibition will contain information on the history of the World Puppetry Day, on UNIMA and POLUNIMA, and on the stage design work of Zygmunt Smandzik.

Deadline 15-30 March 2022.

South Africa

Living Waters Puppet Walk and Performance : World Puppet Day

Organisateur: Ukwanda Puppetry Collective

The picnic area at the entrance to the farm
Cape Town

Aja Marneweck

This year in Cape Town South Africa, let’s celebrate the Living Waters through giant puppetry at the Boschendal Plum Harvest Festival on the weekend of the 10th- 13th March.

After the great success of the giant elephant puppet walk with the Ukwanda Puppetry Collective at the Boschendal Plum Harvest Festival in 2021, we will be celebrating this year’s festival with giant puppets to raise awareness of the living waters and aquatic life of our planet.

On Sunday the 13h March at 11am, the puppet walk will begin by the picnic area at the entrance to the farm, proceeding through the main grounds and ending with a short performance in front of the new Norval Art Gallery (Boschendal Manor House). The walk will feature a giant redfin fish puppet created by the award winning Ukwanda Puppet Company from the Centre for Humanities Research (CHR) at the University of the Western Cape and performed by puppeteers and musicians from Net vir Pret in Barrydale. This walking performance brings awareness to the rivers and waters in the immediate area, to water sustainability and aims to inspire new generations of eco-warriors.

The three giant puppets for this year’s performance were originally created for the Barrydale Giant Puppet Parade in the Klein Karoo, a decade-long partnership between the Centre for Humanities Research at the University of the Western Cape, the Handspring Puppet Trust and Net vir Pret, to raise support for the plight of the local rivers and an indigenous fynbos fish, the redfin minnow, teetering on the brink of extinction.

The performance at the 2022 Plum Harvest Festival, will be preceded by two days of puppetry making workshops with children from the valley facilitated by the Ukwanda Puppet Company and Dr Aja Marneweck of the CHR, and Herman Witbooi and Clarisa Jonas of Net vir Pret in Barrydale.

Following the workshops, and with these new puppets, the participating children will join the walk with the giants on Sunday.


Reading of manifesto and donation of magazines

Organisateur: UNIMA Asturias


Ana Laura Barros

For the XV Puppet Show in Colunga, Asturias (Saltitiricol) UNIMA Asturias will read the manifesto of the World Puppetry Day and will donate Fantoches magazines for the two libraries of the municipality.

TitiriLORA - Festival of Puppets and Objects of Lora Del Río

Organisateur: City Council of Lora Del Río and A la Sombrita

Plaza de España and Teatro Goya
Lora Del Río (Seville)

A la Sombrita (Luz Riego-Jose Diego Ramírez)

The first edition will take place from 18 to 21 March 2022 and will end with the World Puppet Day.

A small festival that is born as a brother of the 3 that the same company organizes in different cities of the region of Ecija and that will take place every year around the World Puppet Day.

A new festival that will grow little by little and that will surely receive the necessary support of the children of Lora del Río.

World Puppetry Day by UNIMA Catalunya

Organisateur: UNIMA Catalunya

Street Allada Vermell

UNIMA Catalunya

Meeting of puppeteers on Sunday, March 20, 2022 in the heart of the street Allada Vermell (Barcelona).

11:00 – Puppet workshops
12:30 – Shows Lambe-Lambe Theater
13:00 – Reading of the WPD manifesto
13:15 – Puppet shows
13:45 – Puppet Vermouth
14:30 – End of the party.

Puppetry Night

Organisateur: Centro del Títere

Calle Siete Ojos, s/n. 28922 Alcorcón

Centro del Títere

Exhibition of fragments of puppet and object theatre pieces for adult audiences with the participation of the companies Periplo Marionetas, Andrea Díaz Reboredo, Vidas de Alambre and La Tartana Teatro.

A day of puppets, theatre of objects, live music and projections whose entrance includes a drink.

Come and toast to the puppets and celebrate the world puppetry day at the Centro del Títere!

+ info here

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