Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO


Saturday 19.3. at 12am and 2pm Vuotalo, Helsinki, Finland
Sunday 20.3. at 12am and 2pm Annantalo, Helsinki, Finland

Teatteri Tuomikko : The Darkness of Grief

Script, puppets, scenography and performance : Terhi Tuomikko
Directing assistance : Seppo-Ilmari Siitonen
Music : Marko Häkkinen

Duration: 30 min
Target group : from 3 to 10 years

When a troll loses his bunny friend, he grieves so deeply that even his sweater turns black. The battle of overcoming sorrow starts, emotions run high, the troll has no appetite and laughing makes him feel guilty. As the seasons change, sorrow slowly starts to fade and black pieces come off the troll’s sweater, until there is only one last wistful memory left that will never disappear.

Award-winning puppet theatre show “Suru puserossa” (Darkness of grief) is a beautiful, through-composed story that gives you hope for surviving sorrow. It makes the diverse nature of grief more understandable to children and deals with the difficult subject safely and gently, as if embracing the viewer.