The World Encyclopedia of Puppetry Arts is available to the public since September 22, 2017 at 1 pm. There are more than 1,200 articles in three languages, more than 2,000 captioned illustrations that constitute this sum of information on the arts of puppetry.
The World Puppet Encyclopedia has been a UNIMA project for nearly 40 years. The first decisions were made in 1978, and the first hard copy version (in French) was presented in 2009 in Charleville-Mézières. Eight years later, the free digital version in three languages finally comes live.
A specific website that proposes
– A consultation on all devices (mobiles, tablets, desktops),
– Research with facets …
– Categories and indexes: technics, organizations, persons, thematics, geographical areas, shows, characters …
– An article highlighted every day
– Sharing data for other websites
Future modifications and additions will be decided by an editorial and scientific committee allowing to preserve high requirement and quality to this project.
L’UNIMA a rempli ses promesses! Un bravo spécial à Karen Smith, la rédactrice en chef et à toute son équipe car ils ont effectué un travail colossal!
The UNIMA has fulfil its promises. Special congratulations to Karen Smith. the redactor in chief and all her team because they have done a gigantic work!
La UNIMA cumplio sus promesas. Un ”bravo” especial a Karen Smith, la redactora en jefe y todo su equipo que han hecho un trabajo gigante.
Jacques Trudeau
Ex-Secrétaire Général de l’UNIMA (2008-2016)
Muchas GRACIAS…Sergio Rower Libertablas Argentina
Yo tambien felicito a las personas qe han trabajado en este proyecto pero por el momento me es imposible acceder on line a la version española (, siempre que lo intento me da error, hay algún link que permita acceder de manera facil, libre y eficaz a el contenido de la wepa en español on line ?
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