Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO


This compact document from the EDT Commission combines basic information about an emergency reaction to trauma combined with aspects of basic puppetry. It will give practical advice and be an inspiring introduction for puppeteers, helpers, educators, therapists and everybody who is touched by the great possibilities of puppetry. There are versions in different languages. Feel free to share.


Download the document :

In English > Traumatic emergency reaction and puppetry

In French / en français > Réaction d’urgence traumatique et jeu de marionnettes

In German / auf Deutsch > Akute traumatische Notfallreaktion und Puppenspiel

In Spanish / En español > Titeres y reacción de emergencia traumática

In Russian / на русском > Острая реакция и игра с куклой

In Ukrainian / українською мовою > Гостра реакція на стрес та гра з лялькою


Education, development and therapy Commission – education@unima.org