UNIMA’s 23rd Congress confirms new leadership and sets vision for the future
«The more meetings there are, the more exchanges that take place between nations, the better individual relations are: collaboration, solidarity and comradeship are no longer empty words, but the foundations for a better understanding of human problems and a bringing together of nations».
Dr. Jindřich Veselý, 1932
From April 19-23, 2021, puppetry aficionados from around the world convened virtually for the 23rd Congress of UNIMA. Established in 1929, the oldest international theatre organization in the world, the UNion Internationale de la MArionnette (UNIMA) is a Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO. Present in more than 90 countries, UNIMA’s mission is to promote peace and mutual understanding through the art of puppetry.
To steer its mission, UNIMA convenes a congress for its members every four years, generally in conjunction with a World Puppetry Festival. While originally scheduled for April 2020 in Bali, Indonesia, due to the pandemic UNIMA’s leadership, led by General Secretary Idoya Otegui of Spain, organized a virtual congress via zoom one year later.
This digital Congress was the opportunity for a maximum of delegation to be present: More than 110 Councillors and around 60 other members of 57 countries participated in this Congress.
The congress began with presentations by National Centres and UNIMA’s current commissions which highlighted the excellent work conducted during the previous five years. UNIMA celebrates this incredible work and encourages all to view reports presented during the congress at UNIMA’s YouTube page.
One essential task of each congress is to vote on the leadership and working commissions to steer the organization’s efforts during the next four-year term.
UNIMA is thrilled to welcome incoming board leadership and Executive Committee members:
You’ll find their presentation HERE
- President : Karen Smith (Australia and USA) – president(at)unima.org
- General Secretary : Dimitri Jageneau (Belgium) – generalsecretary(at)unima.org
- Treasurer : Lucile Bodson (France) – treasurer(at)unima.org
- Vice President : Annette Dabs (Germany) – statutes(at)unima.org
- Vice President : Tito Lorefice (Argentina) – professional-training(at)unima.org
Executive Committee members and Commissions:
- Africa Commission : Soro Badrissa (Côte d’Ivoire)
- Asia-Pacific Commission : Tang Dayu (China)
- Communication and Public Relations Commission : Kristin Haverty (USA)
- Cooperation Commission : Salma Mosheni Ardehali (Iran)
- Education, Development and Therapy Commission : Livija Kroflin (Croatia)
- Europe Commission : Clément Peretjatko (France)
- Heritage, Museum and Documentation Commission: Idoya Otegui (Spain)
- International Festivals Commission : Louise Lapointe (Canada)
- Professional Training Commission : Tito Lorefice (Argentina)
- Publication & Contemporary Writing Commission : Katarina Klančnik Kocutar (Slovenia)
- Research Commission* : Cariad Astles (Great Britain), Kateřina Dolenská (Czech Republic, VP)
- Cultural and Human Rights Commission* : Kata Csató (Hungary)
- Statutes Commission : Annette Dabs (Germany)
- Strategic Planning Commission : Lucile Bodson (France)
- Three Americas Commission* : Rubén Darío Salazar (Cuba)
- Youth Commission* : Anastasija Mashtakova (Russia)
Auditing Committee
- President : Vater Broggini (Italy)
- Patricia Gomis (Senegal)
- Sergio Rower (Argentina)
*In response to member voices urging further consideration, the Executive Committee recognizes the need to evaluate commission names and projects. Within three months, the commissions are in charge of presenting their objectives, proposing projects, and validating their names and welcome member engagement as this process continues.
UNIMA looks forward to the next four years : convening in Bali, Indonesia, for the Council meeting in 2023, and for the World Puppetry Festival and Congress in Chuncheon, South Korea, in 2025. Mark your calendars!
D’ici là, venez nous rencontrer lors du Festival mondial de la marionnette de Charleville-Mézières en septembre 2021.
Before that, come and meet us during the World Puppet Festival of Charleville-Mézières in September 2021.
And follow our actions and meetings on the website of UNIMA and social networks!
Contacts of commissions :
- Africa Commission : africa(at)unima.org
- Asia-Pacific Commission : asia-pacific(at)unima.org
- Communication and Public Relations Commission : communication(at)unima.org
- Cooperation Commission : cooperation(at)unima.org
- Education, Development and Therapy Commission : education(at)unima.org
- Europe Commission : europe(at)unima.org
- Heritage, Museum and Documentation Commission* : heritage(at)unima.org
- International Festivals Commission : festivals(at)unima.org
- Professional Training Commission : professional-training(at)unima.org
- Publication & Contemporary Writing Commission : publications(at)unima.org
- Research Commission* : research(at)unima.org
- Cultural and Human Rights Commission* : rights(at)unima.org
- Statutes Commission : statutes(at)unima.org
- Strategic Planning Commission : treasurer(at)unima.org
- Three Americas Commission* : three-americas(at)unima.org
- Youth Commission* : youth(at)unima.org