Like each year of World Festival of Puppets Theatres, UNIMA will be present like THEMAA, French UNIMA Centre.
Saturday, September 21th, presentation of audiovisual database
2013 is a special year. UNIMA presents several of their importany projects on Saturday, September 21th in the auditorium, Museum of Ardenne, place Ducale :
9h30 : broadcast of a teaser illustrating the audiovisual database project producted in partnership with the Spanish company Etcetera.
13h30 : award ceremony of video competition “Puppets get involved for peace “ with projection of winning videos.
16h30 : presentation of the new UNIMA website.
Tuesday, September 24th, meeting on the circulation of work specially written for puppet théâtres
The aim of a workshop initiated within the Unima last May by Greta Bruggeman, the director of the Arketal Company, is to promote the international circulation of work specially written for Puppets Theater. Tuesday, September 24th, chapiteau Nomade, 5pm, In partnership with Themaa and the World Puppet Festival, a meeting is organized to encourage and advertise this collection, and exchange ideas about the existing links between puppeteers and contemporary writers from all over the world and many other guests, artists or authors, will discuss the relationship between contemporary texts and puppeteers in their respective countries.
September 24th, participation at the meeting ONDA
Some members of International Festivals Commission will participate at the meeting of Office national de diffusion artistique (ONDA) organized Tuesday, September 24th in the Mézières (entrance by invitation).
September 25th and 26th, meeting of Professional Training Commission
The Professional Training Commission gathers in Villa d’Aubillly, Wednesday September 25th and Thursday, September 26th, during the Festival, in order to plan the main projects and share the expériences.
During the Festival, reception in the UNIMA General Secretary Office.
During all the Festival, UNIMA welcome you in its premises, 10 Cours Briand in Charleville-Mézières.
For all information on the UNIMA program during the Festival, please contact us.
J’ai eu vos coordonnées en allant voir l’exposition sur les marionnettes du monde entier à Issy les Moulineaux. J’essaye de glaner des renseignements pour prendre des cours ou essayer de faire du “théâtre d’ombres”. Auriez-vous des tuyaux à me donner, Merci.