UNIMA will be present at the 21st edition of the Festival Mondial des Théâtres de Marionnettes, which will be held from September 17 to 26, 2021 in Charleville-Mézières, France.
UNIMA invites all professionals and amateurs of the puppet world to participate in the different events that the organisation proposes. Join us from the 19 to the 24 of September!
Opening Reception
September 22 / 11:00 > 12:00 > Espace UNIMA
Join UNIMA in a celebration of the festival and learn about the international organization of puppeteers and lovers of puppetry. The opportunity to share a drink of friendship!
Join & be part to UNIMA’s friendship drink from wherever you are !
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Happy Apéro with UNIMA
From 19-24 September 2021, 18:00 > 20:00, Espace UNIMA
The Union Internationale de la Marionnette invites all puppeteers to the Espace UNIMA in the heart of Charleville-Mézières for relaxed international aperitifs of exchange and discovery. Its nearly 7000 members present in more than 80 countries, of which more than 350 federated within THEMAA (the French UNIMA), contribute to the development of the art of puppetry. Join us every end of the day to meet international colleagues, discover the innovative international connections offered by UNIMA’s world-focused commissions, and learn more about how to connect with the world of puppetry!
- September 19 – Opening for members and lovers of puppetry!
For this opening, join UNIMA in a gathering of members. Find out about the program for the week’s festivities and learn more about fellow UNIMA members who have traveled to Charleville for this exciting communion of puppeteers. Meet individually some members of the Executive Committee by physical and digital ways. Members are invited to bring a festive reminder of their home country to share with their international colleagues!
- September 20 – UNIMA programs of link, exchange and solidarity
Join us for celebration, camaraderie and exploration into commission projects through which UNIMA supports exchange and solidarity among puppeteers. Meet individually some members of the Executive Committee by physical and digital ways.
- September 21 – What’s pUPpet?
UNIMA is it’s members! We invite you to present projects and ideas, share experiences, and find new ways to collaborate. Let’s exchange and be up to date about what is happening in UNIMA’s world!
- September 22 – Collaborations between National Centers
At the initiative of THEMAA and UNIMA Italy was born the desire to engage common collaboration with the objective of experimenting with new forms of relations between the European National Centers. This meeting will be held within the framework of the UNIMA Europe Commission, which aims to gain a better understanding of international dynamics related to the arts of puppetry.
- September 23 – UNIMA programs – worldwide initiatives you should know about
Join us for celebration, camaraderie and exploration into world-wide commission puppetry projects that you should know about. Meet individually some members of the Executive Committee by physical and digital ways.
- September 24 – Finale Happy Apéro > Join the network!
Join us for a final celebration of this year’s Charleville festival. Learn more about how you can become involved in UNIMA and connect with its international membership of puppeteers and lovers of puppetry. And you will learn even more about how UNIMA represents puppetry worldwide. Meet individually some members of the Executive Committee by physical and digital ways. Celebrate the last day of UNIMA’s by sharing some nice food, drink and/or music of your region / country!
One link to register and join virtually to the different happy aperos
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Douanes / Customs
UNIMA’s 4 Creations, 4 Continents Project: European Creation
September 20, 16:00 > 18:00, Salle Chanzy
Presentation of the European Creation, one part of a four-part project initiated by UNIMA titled 4 Creations, 4 Continents. Four creations have been developed, based upon a free adaptation of the same text by the young Brazilian, Marcos Nicolaïewsky, who was the winning recipient of a world competition of young authors. This project has also been supported and co-produced by a network of European partners.
A solo of Erwan Meneret, from the ESNAM’s 12th promotion, will be presented before the show.
At the end of the show, digital presentations of extact of the creations made in African and American countries will also be presented and a meeting will be held between the 3 teams to discuss the issue of adapting a text to the stage in the light of each culture, but also about the professionalization of young artists on different continents.
Join the meeting digitally around 17pm (CET)
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Thematic meetings
- RésiliArt, and after?
September 21, 13h30 > 15h30, 75 Forest Avenue
At the beginning of the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic, UNIMA wanted to respond to UNESCO’s call by organizing an international series of Résiliart round tables to evaluate the impact of the crisis on the puppetry arts sector worldwide. During the past year, twenty national and transnational round tables have been conducted. But the crisis is still here with us and inequalities have continued to widen. What have these international testimonies taught us and how can we continue to organize resilience within our sector? (In French and English.)
Join this meeting digitally
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- Which future for Heritage, Museums and Document Centers in UNIMA? >>> Cancelled
September 22, 14h > 15h30, Musée de l’Ardenne
A major and fundamental project is the diffusion and conservation of world puppetry heritage. During this presentation, UNIMA’s commission that focuses on these crucial matters will introduce its membership and then share with you its objectives and the proposed means of reaching these goals.
National Center events during the Festival
In addition to the programming above, UNIMA celebrates programming by its National Centres scheduled to take place during the festival. And, if you are a National Center planning an event, please let us know!
- Meetings and round tables proposed by THEMAA (UNIMA France)
Find the full program here:
- Roundtable organized by AQM – association des marionnettistes québécois (Unima-Canada, Québec section) and Themaa
September 22, 15h > 16h, Espace 75 Forest Avenue
Ecological perspectives for live performances and touring in a post pandemic era. The question of the carbon footprint of tours and the ways to think about a “greener” and less energy consuming diffusion will be discussed.
- Round table organized by UNIMA Italy and THEMAA with the Europe Commission of UNIMA
September 22, 18h > 20h, UNIMA space
At the initiative of THEMAA and UNIMA Italy was born the desire to engage common collaboration with the objective of experimenting with new forms of relations between the European National Centers. This meeting will be held within the framework of the UNIMA Europe Commission, which aims to gain a better understanding of international dynamics related to the arts of puppetry.
Hola. ¿Cómo se puede participar activamente y de manera virtual, al evento ¿Qué futuro tiene el patrimonio, los museos y los centros de documentación de la UNIMA? del día 22 de septiembre. Gracias desse México.
J’ai hâte de vous rencontrer! Même s’il est par zoom 🙂 Qu’il soit un trop joyeux Festival pour tou.te.s!!
Me parece una estupenda iniciativa para acercarnos más , reconocernos como creadores , compartir experiencias siendo inclusivos a través de la tecnología, gracias a quienes implementaron ésta propuesta !!!
Como hago para participar