Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO


The UNIMA Council opened on 22 April 2014 in the Congress Center of Plaza America with the following agenda: presentation of projects, reports of commissions and preparation of 22th Congress.


On April 24, the new website was officially presented.


UNIMA gathers its councillors for the first time in Latin America. The president of UNIMA, Dadi Pudemjee thanked for the welcome of UNIMA Cuba and Tania Leon Silveira, president of People’s Power Assembly of Province of Matanzas.


The first working day has also begun by the speeches of Secretary General, Jacques Trudeau and Santana René Fernàndez, president of UNIMA Cuba.


“Cooperation relationships are established and commun projects will be created. We invite you to work for the art […] for the peace, the solidarity and a healthy planet”. (Santana René Fernàndez)


The opening ceremony was marked by the show “Matanzas, ritmo, color y movimiento” with the Folklore Group AfroCuba, Moderlla project and the company Danza Espiral.



> Official website of Council.


> “La UNIMA por primera vez en América Latina”, radio report, Radio 26, Cuba, 19/04/2014 (in Spanish).