Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO


At the meeting almost all the members  of Executive Committee were present. The President of UNIMA International, Dadi Pudumjee, welcomed everybody.

Current projects, including the exhibition, the Congress in Bali next April 2020 and the activities of the Commissions were discussed and voted upon. The most important topics were the reports of the Commissions, which showed great activities in all fields, and projects for next year.

One of the issues discussed was the current financial fragility of UNIMA International, which depends on different financial resources  for its revenue and projects; these sources are unfortunately not increasing.

UNIMA will be very visible in the coming days through a range of activities at the World Puppet Festival in Charleville-Mézières; the exhibition dedicated to the 90th anniversary of UNIMA will be one of the main focuses.

UNIMA’s program at the World Puppet Festival of Charleville-Mézières