Presented by
Professional Training Commission from the UNIMA, in partnership with
The Centre for Humanities Research (CHR)/ University of the Western Cape (UWC)
The Pro-Vocation series are international conferences on puppetry training, organized by UNIMA’s Professional Training Commission since 2015.
In November 2024, the UNIMA Professional Training Commission, the Africa Commission, and the UNIMA SA, in partnership with UWC CHR’s Iyatsiba Lab, will present Pro-Vocation: Roots and Wings, the 4th iteration of Pro-Vocation.
This event, positioned on the African continent for the first time, is dedicated to exploring and celebrating the living traditions and contemporary innovations of African puppetry pedagogies. It emphasizes the innovative and critical aspects of puppetry training across Africa, focusing on continental priorities through African exchange and global perspectives.
Event Overview
Pro-Vocation: Roots and Wings brings together scholars, teachers, researchers, and practitioners to exchange ideas and expand thinking, experience, and strategies for practice. It unfolds in three phases:
- Regional Training Courses: Focused sessions at various UNIMA centres across Africa: Mali, Argelia, Kenya, South Africa, held from 4-18 November
- International Conference: Held in Cape Town at UWC CHR’s Iyatsiba Lab from 19–23 November.
- Strategic Planning Meeting: Discussions on the future growth of puppetry arts in Africa, held from 25–27 November 2024.
All sessions during the International Conference will be free broadcast online.
Practical information
To register: Fulfill The Form
More information on this project:
More information on the UNIMA Vocational Training Commission:
More information on the UNIMA Africa Commission:
Hola buen día soy Camilo torres del grupo de marionetas enraizados títeres teatro y artesanías estaremos en el mes de noviembre en Kenia en el festival de teatro de esta ciudad nos queremos unir a ustedes
Estimado Camilo Torres Guanume,
Gracias por ponerte en contacto y expresar tu interés en unirte a Pro-Vocation Roots and Wings.
Para participar en línea, por favor completa el formulario de registro disponible en el artículo. Si deseas asistir en persona, no dudes en contactarnos a para obtener más asistencia.
Esperamos que esta información sea útil.
Goran Zelic
UNIMA Communications
fantastic to see this initiative in Africa. Thanks, UNIMA
This is wonderful, to meet many people physically for the first time..