Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO

News from UNIMA: National Centers

Review Móin-Móin # 12

Brazil, Notices - 11/10/2014

Discover the # 12 of the Brazilian review Móin-Móin, published by the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Teatro do Centro de Artes da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina. This issue, as Valmor Nini Beltrame and Gilmar Antonio Moretti explain within the fist pages, has as main theme the “Visualidades no Teatro de Formas Animadas” (Visualities […]

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New Board for UNIMA Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso - 11/09/2014

Holding a meeting on Saturday September 6th, 2014, the members of UNIMA Burkina Faso elected a new board. Boniface KAGAMBEGA, artistic director of the collective ACMUR is, now, President of this National Centre, while Pierre OUANGRE was elected National Secretary. Taking advantage of the same reunion, UNIMA Burkina Faso also appointed two Councilors, Boniface KAGAMBEGA […]

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August issue of British UNIMA’s Newsletter

Great Britain - 24/08/2014

British UNIMA invites you to read its latest newsletter. There are lots of international and local news, plus original pieces by Nenagh Watson, Meg Amsden, Gary Friedman, Peter MacDonald, and Ceri Ashcroft, plus a warm tribute to the late Asep Sunandar Sunarya by Anna Ingleby. > Read the newsletter > Website of British UNIMA

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