Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO



We extend the most cordial invitation to colleagues in the art of puppetry and Latin American researchers to collaborate with unpublished texts for LA HOJA TITIRITERA, in its new stage, to be published in the first quarter of 2024. The writings will be selected and scheduled by a Council Editorial, and must adhere to the following topics and guidelines:

● FORMAT: Word, letter size, Arial font, size 12, line spacing 1.15. Include 2-3 images/photographs with 300 dpi resolution. The author must identify himself with name, country, company (optional) and contact number with international telephone code.

● MINI-BIO: A short profile of their authors will be added to the texts, no more than 3 lines, in the same format.


▪ RESEARCH OR REFLECTION ESSAY: Extension approx. 1,000 words. Topics: techniques, styles, dramaturgy, history, heritage, audiences, acting training, financing, etc.

▪ EDUCATION AND THERAPY: Length: 1,000 words. Topics: Methodologies, experiences, applications, research.

▪ TEACHER PROFILES: Length: 500 words. Who it is, country of origin, career and contribution to puppets.

▪ REVIEWS OF INTERNATIONAL FESTIVALS: Length: 400-600 words, detailing name, headquarters, issue number, objectives and achievements, participants and impact.

▪ CALLS: Length: 200 words. Detail who you are addressing, objectives, deadlines and contact.

▪ LATIN AMERICAN CURRENT CURRENT EVENTS: Length: 200 words. Events relevant to our community, prizes and awards, casts on international tours, courses, agreements, collaborations, scholarships and support, etc.

▪ LITERARY REVIEWS: Length: 200 words. Reviews of books and other publications about puppets, preferably recent ones.


Texts and profiles will be received until January 28, 2024 at the email communication unimaLA@gmail.com

The authors selected for each broadcast of La Hoja Titiritera will be notified via email and/or WhatsApp in February 2024, receiving a formal thank you once their collaboration is published.

In this new stage of La Hoja Titiritera we appreciate your contribution to achieving a communication channel in the art of puppetry.