Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO


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What is the World Puppetry Day?

Launched in 2003 by UNIMA, the World Puppetry Day is both a real tool for the promotion of puppetry arts and a project allowing to federate the puppet actors of the same territory.

This world day seeks to promote the puppet arts by defending, among other objectives:

  • the maintenance and the safeguard of the traditions and, in parallel, the renewal of the art of puppetry
  • the use of puppetry as a means of ethical and aesthetic education

The World Puppet Day is now celebrated all over the world through its National Centers and their members.

This Day is the occasion to collectively and as widely as possible carry the diversity of puppetry arts today!


World Puppetry Day of the 21st of March 2022