Date of creation: May 20th, 1999
c/o Mamadou SAMAKÉ
Musée National - B.P 157
Brief history
On March 3rd 1999 UNIMA Mali was created as a Representative Association, and on May 20th, 1999 a general assembly was organized by Mamadou Samaké, Maoua Koné and Abdoulaye Camara, in the Arts National Institute (Bamako). This assembly gathered people from three administrative regions: Bamako, Koulikoro and Segou. The image of Kòtè-kònò, one of the older puppets of Mali tradition, was chosen for the logo.
Since May 20th 2003, UNIMA Mali is composed of a National Centre and three regional Sections (Kayes, Koulikoro, Segou).
Important projects and achievements
UNIMA Mali participated in the 4th African Photographic Meeting in Bamako in 2001, with the organization of puppet shows from the District of Bamako and the regions of Koulikoro, Segou and Kayes; at the opening ceremonies of the Africa Cup of Football Nations (2002) with the creation of a show of giant puppets, and in the organization of the inaugural festivities of the Basque Museum and Centre ?TOPIC? in Tolosa, Spain in 2009.