Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO

News from UNIMA: Cooperation

Karen Smith

- 15/07/2022

Karen Smith, born 1954 in Australia, trained and worked as a puppeteer, designer and builder at the Shri Ram Centre Puppet Repertory, Jan Madhyam, and Ishara Puppet Theatre in New Delhi (India), and studied Javanese wayang kulit at Sanggar Redi Waluyo in Jakarta (Indonesia). From 1986, she was a member of UNIMA India, and later […]

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Terence Tan Si Peng

- 15/07/2022

Terence Tan Si Peng 陳世平 (he/his) is the Secretary of UNIMA Singapore and elected as supplementary councillor in 2016 and 2021. Notable achievements in puppetry include: Coordination, producer, and facilitator of the ASEAN Puppet Exchange from 2014-2017 involving professional and amateur puppeteers traditional and contemporary from Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Viet Nam, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Myanmar, […]

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