Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO

News from UNIMA: Asia-Pacific

Karen Smith

- 15/07/2022

Karen Smith, born 1954 in Australia, trained and worked as a puppeteer, designer and builder at the Shri Ram Centre Puppet Repertory, Jan Madhyam, and Ishara Puppet Theatre in New Delhi (India), and studied Javanese wayang kulit at Sanggar Redi Waluyo in Jakarta (Indonesia). From 1986, she was a member of UNIMA India, and later […]

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Tito Lorefice

- 15/07/2022

Puppeteer, stage director, teacher President of the UNIMA Professional Training Commission Vice President of UNIMA International President Three Americas Commission Professor at the National University of San Martín, UNSAM, Argentina Professor at the Central Academy of Drama, CAD, Beijing, China Founder of the Bachelor’s Degree in Puppet Theater and the Master’s Degree, at the National […]

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Tang Dayu

- 6/11/2016

Tang Dayu, born 1945, studied Jingju opera at the Chengdu Drama School and was selected for the Jingju Opera Institute in Beijing. She worked as a Jingju actress (1962-1972), was appointed to the Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Culture in 1982, and later became Director of the Chengdu Puppetry and Shadow Art Theatre. Tang Dayu played […]

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