Dear publishers and editors-in-chief,
UNIMA International is launching a new international magazine/publication, which is planned to come out in the first quarter of 2025, bringing together articles and contributions from all UNIMA member countries. Initially, we would like to gather contributions from the forty or so puppet magazines identified in the world.
We therefore invite you to send us 2 or 3 article proposals with content related to your country that you would like to see included in this international magazine.
Here are the types of articles that we have defined with the editorial committee:
- An article on the central theme of the issue 2025: Migration and displacement (physical, artistic, cultural, etc.) / Intersection (between art forms, aesthetics, cultures, etc.).
- Biographical profiles of artists from your country, in the form of an article or interview;
- Interviews or articles on established artists or people which has played an important role in recent decades;
- Interviews or articles on significant artists or people of the “new” generation;
- Other kind of profile / contribution;
- Article on puppetry in your country – structuring, training, transmission, accompaniment, place of puppetry in the cultural domain;
- Historical artistic creations – Critical essay on emblematic productions and performances in your country;
- Article on a recently published book on contemporary puppetry;
- Article by an academic on a research topic related to the puppetry arts;
- Article on applied puppetry (education, therapy, etc.);
If you’ve got an article you would like to share which does not fit within these categories and is important for you, feel free to propose it.
We invite you to send us short summaries of your 2-3 proposals (no more than 15 lines) of the articles you have in mind with:
- title, 10-15 lines summary in English, French or Spanish, length of the published article (number of characters with spaces included).
We will then come back to you to let you know which one we have chosen to best fit in with all the proposals received from all over the world.
The final article should be between 4,500 and 17,000 characters including spaces.
Please check that you have the rights to publish these articles in the international edition if the article is selected.
Deadline for sending your abstracts: New date forthcoming.
Please send them to:
For the 2nd phase of this project, and on the basis of the contributions received, we will be launching an appeal to National Centres in countries that do not have a magazine. This will require closer editorial support. If you would like to join the editorial committee in this international edition project, by supporting 1 or 2 countries and take part in the overall development of this international magazine, please contact us at
One of us will be contacting you shortly to be your contact for this project.
We look forward to hearing from you,
The editorial committee
Alessandra Amicarelli (Italy – Animatazine), Cariad Astles (United Kingdom – UNIMA Research Commission), Paulo Balardim (Brazil – Moin-Moin), Mihail Baykov (Bulgaria – Kuklart), Emmanuelle Castang ( France – UNIMA & ex-Manip), Mathieu Dochterman (France – Manip & Puppetgazette), Frans Hakkemars (Netherlands – PPO sub-commission/The world of puppetry), Maryam Iranmanesh (Iran – Tehran university), Katarina Klancnick Kokutar (Slovenia – President of Publication commission), Ko Kyumi (Korea – UNIMA Korea/Theater Sangsahwa), Evelyne Lecucq (France – Institut international d’art de la marionnette), Susy López (Mexico – Susy López titeres), Alissa Mello (USA – Puppetry international), Vincent Ranallo (Canada – Revue Marionnette), Padmini Rangajan (India – Steparc/Puthalika Patrika), Karen Smith (Australia/USA – President of UNIMA), Franziska Vömel (Germany – Schattentheater)