Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO


Desa Kala Patra

On Day 5 of the council meeting, final statute revisions proposed by Fabrice Guillot to improve the clarity and functioning of the organization were considered, National Center reports from Iraq and Singapore were shared, SE Asia reported on the establishment of a working group to increase collaboration among countries, UNIMA Korea shared a presentation on the preparations for 2025, and the Council approved the provisional budget and report of the General Secretary.

Daria Ivanova (Ukraine) also gave a moving appeal to the council members on behalf of UNIMA Ukraine. In the tradition of wayang kulit, the dalang selects the story of the moment based on what is needed in the community at the time. It is fitting then that what followed the council session was a performance from Kamajay Art Studio and Komunitas Wayang Ental who reminded us that violence is never the answer and that in order to develop an ecosystem of prosperity we must consider the values of Truth, Virtue, Worship, No Harm, and Peace.

The final night UNIMA Indonesia arranged a final dinner on the west coast of Bali, perfect for viewing the sun set over the ocean and the waves crash to the rhythms of the kecak.

As goodbyes are exchanged, one may reflect on the Balinese term Desa Kala Patra – place, time, situation. Within this concept lies the idea that every temporal moment  – including a performance – is unique to its particular place, timing and circumstance and will never again be repeated in quite the same way. Council meeting 2023 in Bali has concluded, but the transitory moments within have hopefully contributed in meaningful and constructive ways in order for UNIMA to move into the future.

For all who participated online or in person – councilor Franz Hakkemars has created a survey to share your thoughts about the council. Thanks Franz! And if you attended the council and found inspiration and want to get involved in a commission or project – please reach out to the respective commission president. All contacts can be found online at unima.org. Also, if you have any great photos of the council, either in person or virtual, please share HERE (please create a folder with your name and place photos there so that we can credit you properly)!

As a volunteer organisation UNIMA is only as strong as the individuals in its network. And so we look forward to the next two years of work together and a reunion at the Congress 2025 in Chuncheon!

photos of Komunitas Wayang Ental and final event by Claudia Orenstein