Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO


Academia Dimitri, Updates from December 14th


Puppet Training by Mamby Mawine, Djarama, Senegal

Women Life Freedom, UNIMA for International Women’s Day

A Call for Solidarity

Women, Life, Freedom

Karen Smith Thanks from Down Under

World Puppetry Day 2020: Dadi Pudumjee, Lucile Bodson and Idoya Otegui

World Puppetry Day 2020

3rd International Meeting on Training in the Arts of Puppetry

World Puppetry Day 2019 – Cat Parade

World Puppetry Day 2018

CAL Grant 2014

Kok Thlok

Chengdu 2012

L’âme du peuple


WPD 2014 in Mexico

WPD 2014 in Italy

Tolosa 2016