The Kanguru Project
Annual membership fees of National Centres – Extend your Support
In order to make easier the payment of the annual membership fees to the UNIMA General Secretary, and to allow some National Centres to save money on transfering the amount of their fees, UNIMA has opened a PayPal account. So, feel free to use it (see the link at the bottom of the page). We kindly ask you to indicate clearly: “Membership fees “year(s) + Country” as reason of the money transfert (Example: Membership Fees 2016 – Australia).
However, we want to put great emphasize on the fact that this possibility is only open for payment of membership fees from National Centres and, in any case, could not be used to pay “individual” membership fees, since the paragraph 2.3 of our statutes is clear on that point, well stating that it is only an UNIMA National Centre that receives memberships of its members.
Concerning the case of the “Direct members” (UNIMA members in country without National Centre), the matter would be examinate case by case by the General Secretary.
💳 Support by clicking on the blue UNIMA PayPal button:
Travel Fund – Support the UNIMA Travel Fund
As you know, the Travel Fund has been established to make sure that elected councilors should not be hindered in taking an active part in the work for UNIMA, attending the official meetings (Congress, Council and Executive Committee meeting).
If you want UNIMA to be a world organization not only on paper, but with the possibility to meet people who share your interest in puppetry from all over the world face to face; if you are really interested in cultural exchange, friendship and solidarity; and if you want to know more about the puppeteers experiences and concerns in the different regions of the world; then you should consider a donation to the Travel Fund (small or large, all is welcome) through PayPal.
Please, indicate “Travel Fund” like reason of the money transfer.
The Travel Fund will not cover more than 75% of the plane ticket from the country of the councilor to the city hosting the UNIMA meeting and the decision to accept certain applicants will be made by the President, the Secretary General and the Treasurer, together, of course, taking into account the available funds following your donations.
💳 Support by clicking on the blue UNIMA PayPal button: