Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO


Next October LA PUNTUAL organizes 3 very interesting Puppetry Courses for those of you who have not started, as well as for those who are just beginning and also for those who want to improve the manipulation or give a boost to the creation of shows.

The courses are based on the technique of glove puppetry:

  • 1st Course: “Construction of the puppet”, we will give it on October 4, 5, 6 and 7.
  • 2nd Course: “The puppet: Initiation to the manipulation”, from October 18th to 20th.
  • 3rd Course: “Puppetry II: Manipulation and Dramaturgy”, from October 25 to 27.

La Puntual has been offering for years specialized courses in manipulation, interpretation and dramaturgy with puppets, always directed by active professional puppeteers.

The courses have been programmed with the intention of proposing a learning itinerary. In three weeks you will be able to reach enough knowledge to start an artistic and/or educational project with glove puppets and to be able to apply them to your professional or personal projects. They can be taken separately or in packs. In addition, they have been scheduled to coincide with the 16th International Festival of Putxinel-lis – La Puntual and we will have the collaboration of some of the participating puppeteers.

If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact us through this e-mail coordinacio@lapuntual.info or by calling us at 695.260.446.
We will be happy to help you in any way we can.

On the other hand, we also ask you to spread the word and we would be very grateful if you could recommend us to people you think might be interested.

Don’t forget that UNIMA members have a 25% discount on the registration fee and a free ticket to see the shows of the 16th International Putxinel-lis Festival.