The application for the grant has closed in end of May. We received 15 applications in total, they are:
1. Artsolute (Singapore)
2. Carol Sterling (USA)
3. Cengiz Ozek (Turkey)
4. Dafa Puppet Theatre (Czech Republic)
5. Elizabeth Goldsmith-Colney (USA)
6. Frans Hakkemars (The Netherlands)
7. Gibdel Wilson (Costa Rica)
8. King Ho Wong (Hong Kong)
9. Larisa Telnova (Russia)
10. Lianwei Hong (China)
11. Loy Chee Luen (Malaysia)
12. Ping Lin (China)
13. Roberto Silva (Brazil)
14. Sun Sun Art Troup (Hong Kong)
15. The Central Academy of Drama (China)
(arranged by alphabetical order)
As we stated before, all application materials will be posted online for public access. As I hope that their application can be another way for them to present themselves to the world.
Please feel free to get into the following link of folders of materials they sent, they could be letters, photos, or even videos.
The result for the grant will be released in late September.
Simon Wong