Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO


The nineteenth edition of the Summer School of Unima Federation Spain will be held this year in Avilés, Asturias, with the collaboration of Unima Asturias. It will took place from 27th of June to 5th of July.

Course 1: The soul of things.
Type: Shadow Theater
Author: Fabrizio Montecchi
Dates: June 27 – July 4

Course 2: Giving life to the metaphor.
Type: Objects theater.
Author: Rene Baker
Dates: June 28 – July 2

Course 3: Dramaturgy Workshop for puppets. Playing Words.
Author: Luis Fernando de Julián.
Dates: July 3-5.

More information: http://www.unima.es/?p=7911