Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO


The Research center at the Institute International de la Marionnette is offering two programs for research residencies (one with the other without grant) to encourage scholarly research about puppetry, to support and mentor artistic creation, and to strengthen the links between the research and artistic communities.

The research residencies at the Institute are open to scholars, artists and postgraduate students from anywhere in the world. Residents can have access to the Library, mentoring support, contacts and networking possibilities with the partners of the Institute. The residents must sign a research contract which includes the donation of a copy of their final project (e.g. thesis, book, documentary etc.) to the Library.

Concerning the research residence with grant, a particular attention (but not exclusive) will be paid to the works in connection with priority research programes of the Institute and ICiMa Chair :

– Terminology of the arts of puppetry. See : icima.hypotheses.org/terminologie
– The study of the processes of design, construction, repair, conservation or restoration of puppets and scenographs. See : icima.hypotheses.org/cycle-de-vie-des-materiaux-du-spectacle-vivant
– Notation of movement with objects. See : icima.hypotheses.org/notations-et-partitions
– History of the arts of puppetry


These residencies can last between 1 week and 2 months, with the exception of the periods when the Institute is closed (closure of the Documentation centre for inventory the 2nd half of January, summer closure, Christmas holidays and September odd years). The grant covers daily expenses and part of the travelling costs. During the closing period of the Villa d’Aubilly (under renovation), an accommodation solution can be proposed (on request to be submitted in the application form).

They are granted principally to PhD students, post-doctorate, authors at critical phase of their writing, and artists in a theoretical-practical investigation (laboratory) .
 To be eligible for a grant, the residency must be the object of, or contribute to the creation of a written, audiovisual or multimedia record analyzing the research methodology and thus making it possible to share the results. Residents with grants may be asked to present their work to the students at the ESNAM.



  • The call for applications for residences between February 24 and December 18, 2020 was opened end of November 2019.
  • Deadline for applications: Monday, January 6, 2020.
  • Responses will be provided first half of February.

Application form

Caution: incomplete files will not be considered. The presentation of a bibliography drawn from the resources available at the Documentation centre is obligatory.

Further information : infodoc@marionnette.com