Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO


The Professional Training Commission is glad announcing the name of the recipients of its Grants 2016:
Feith-Anne Chester Inn (Guyana), Alina Cristina Tane (Romania), Izabela Zachowicz (Poland)

Thank to these grants, Feith-Anne Chester Inn will take part to the workshop “The Unusual body – Theatre of animation” with Miguel Vellinho (Cie PeQuod) in the Espaço de Residência Artística Vale Arvoredo (Brazil), from January 18th to 21st, 2016; Alina Cristina Tane will be able to follow the course “The Shadow and its Double” in the Teatro Gioco Vita (Italy), from May 16th to 4th June 2016, while Izabela Zachowicz will go to the Institut International de la Marionnette (France) to participate to the summer workshop “Puppets and Magic”.