Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO


Guest: I Nyoman Sedama
Date: Friday, March 8, 2024
Time: 12:30 CET
Language: English

The Professional Training Commission of UNIMA (Union Internationale de la Marionnette) will continue this year with the interview series: “Focus on Training in Puppetry Arts,” aiming to discover the key approaches in teaching puppetry arts worldwide and meeting with leaders of institutions at the forefront of training professional puppeteers.

The first session of this year 2024 is focused on Balinese Wayang, led by master I Nyoman Sedama, the director of the Indonesian Arts Institute, Denpasar, Bali. In this session, we will discuss the purpose of studying Balinese Wayang (puppets) to understand its traditions, aesthetics, philosophy, and innovations to create productions that appeal to contemporary audiences. Through training in the family and school, students learn Kawi Dalang (the creative art of the puppeteer).

At the Indonesian Arts Institute (ISI) in Denpasar, there have been curriculum innovations combining theory and practical work. Students’ final projects often favor contemporary Wayang using new puppets, innovative stories, music, and manipulation techniques.

Learn more about the features and objectives of this theatrical tradition and the study program at the Indonesian Arts Institute Denpasar by connecting via Zoom on Friday, March 8, at 15:00 CET.

The session will be conducted in English and will be later available on the commission’s YouTube channel:

YouTube – Professional Training Commission

Looking forward to your participation at the Puppetraining Seminar!