For the past four years, the Professional Training Commission of UNIMA (Union Internationale de la Marionnette) has been organising meetings with directors of training courses in the puppetry arts: Puppetraining.
The concept
A spotlight on the teaching of puppetry, with :
– Meetings to discover the main approaches to teaching puppetry around the world.
– Meetings with the heads of training establishments at the cutting edge of professional puppetry teaching.
After a presentation, participants will be able to discuss their ideas with the speaker.
On 14 December at 2pm CEST via Zoom, come and meet the Accademia Dimitri from Switzerland!
ID Meeting: 875 7561 3386 / Access code: 008773
Presentation of the Accademia Dimitri
Master of Arts in Theatre – The degree programme
The Master’s programme is a two-year full-time course of study. It corresponds to 120 credits (ECTS). The academic year runs from mid-September to the end of June.
The study programme is set up as part of the Master-Campus-Theatre-CH, a joint venture with three other universities offering theatre degrees in Switzerland, the Hochschule der Künste Bern (HKB), La Manufacture Lausanne and the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHDK).
The language of instruction is English.
The programme develops and reinforces specific skills in four areas, each made up of different types of modules and courses. In the first and second semesters, a common base for all students is established in order to diversify studies in three different areas: Physical Theatre, Teatro di Figura (theatre of materials, objects and puppets) and Applied Theatre Practice.
- Area 1: artistic skills and theatrical abilities
- Area 2: Theoretical knowledge and analytical skills
- Area 3: On-campus and off-campus courses
- Area 4: Professionalisation of theatrical practice
For the Physical Theatre and Teatro di Figura specialisations, the second year begins with a dramaturgy course leading to a dedicated group project and the individual Master’s production.
For the Applied Theatre Practice course, students can choose to do an internship in an institution and create a project that interests them, or to follow a project in the Accademia Dimitri’s research department.
The diploma work is made up of a dissertation, a master’s project and a thesis.