Tolosa, the 14th April 2022
Dear friends of the National Centers, International Councillors, Representatives, members of the UNIMA:
From the Heritage, Museums and Documentation Centers Commission, we have set ourselves the main objective of protecting and disseminating the important puppet heritage that our community has throughout the world. The first thing we have to do is to KNOW ourselves what we have and for this, your collaboration is essential, which we are requesting from here.
We realize two forms, which we’ll appreciate if you return us – as many as you need – duly completed. These forms will help us to make a REAL and complete inventory of the richness of the world’s puppeteer heritage, to know its situation and to act accordingly.
Any doubt you may have, we are at your disposal to clarify it, both me as president of the Commission, and any of the members that compose it.
We look forward to your precious help.
Thanks a lot!!!!
The forms:
Questionnaire about Puppet Museums

Idoya Otegui
President Heritage, Museum, and Documentation Center Commission
Let me know you have our survey please . Best wishes, John
Bonjour le suis heritier ngoie artiste multidiciplinaire et chercheur marionnetistes pro organisateur du festival des marionnettes et des arts associe’s en ligne. Pour moi comme je travail sur les recherches de styles et de conservation patrimoniale ,donc cherche et identifier le styles contaporaine et enciens,leur origine ,leurs concepteur, si ont travail ensenble pour l avenir de marionnettes.
il ny a pas de musee de la marionnette que fauit-l faire pour en avoir un ici?
Dutch Puppetry Museum