The project
UNIMA has created on Flickr a participatory picture libraryopen to all. The aim is to collect a large number of photos concerning the art of puppetry, UNIMA invites you to contribute photos to this collection.
This picture library will be a testimony for the vitality of this art. It will be a source of images for our website and, according to the legal possibilities given by the internet user, it could be a source for the update of the Worldwide Encyclopedia of Puppetry Arts (WEPA).
Rules for users
- Publish only your own photos and vídeos.
- Before a publishing, be sure that all people represented agree. You will avoid sharing photos with children faces.
- Write a caption (if it’s possible the place and the date)
- The photos and vídeos must be linked directly and clearly with puppetry.
Reminder: UNIMA Internnational dépends on the French Law. The non-compliance of copyright and image rights may be prosecuted.
What does “According to the legal conditions” mean ?
It’s up to you, internet user, to decide the legal statute of photo/picture that you have producted and posted. When you share your photo, you will decide if the photo may be, or not, subject to a reuse and under what conditions (choice a lience “creative common”).