The UNIMA Internationale Professional Training Commission is organizing the Third International Meeting on Training in the Arts of Puppetry in collaboration with the Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC). The conference entitled “Staging and the diversity of the creative processes in contemporary puppet theater” will take place from May 15-20, 2019,
in Florianópolis, Brazil.
In this event the attendees will reflect on the diversity of the staging, together with artists, researchers and theater students. We propose:
- To explore what is theatre staging today, in relation to the diversity of creative processes and of dramaturgical structures.
- To explore the training method(s) of theatre staging. How does the pedagogy of teaching theatre staging meet the requirements of contemporary theatre?
- To explore the importance of the visual image in contemporary theatre and its functions in the dramaturgy of the show.
You can download the program on this link.
3 Provocação – International Meeting on Training in the Arts of Puppetry from UNIMA on Vimeo.
Hola buenas tardes. Mi nombre es Stefany Ayala, soy venezolana y tengo una investigación de maestría sobre estética en teatro de títeres que me gustaría compartir. También soy profesora de artes escénicas en la Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL) y estoy muy interesada en participar en este evento. Me gustaría saber qué puedo hacer para asistir. Gracias
Hola Stefany. Puede ponerse en contacto con la organización a través de esta dirección:
Hello nice to see this! I am Dorris Boelaart Theater Kameleon and Stichting TIk. I worked for 45 years with my theater all over the world. Know I live in Portugal in Bordeira. I have been specialise in working for very sick children in hospitals in Holland for the past 30years.If you are ever interested in workshop about this kind off work let me know. If you look at stichting TIk on YouTube you will see what kind off work I did. Greetings Dorris Boelaart